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Showing posts with label rightly dividing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rightly dividing. Show all posts

Correcting a common misunderstanding of water baptism

Correcting a common misunderstanding of water baptism

I'd just like to clarify that when I post these sorts of posts, it's because I believe they can be a good source of instruction and correction. Paul tells us that the Word of God, rightly divided (2Tim.2:15), is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works, 2Tim.3:16-17. So, in this regard, when someone posts something that does not agree with a rightly divided context, I take the opportunity presented and use it for teaching purposes. God bless.

Social Media Response:

Nobody has ever explained the difference between old Covenant and New Covenant teaching. The things that were required under the old Covenant include tithing and obeying the law and making sacrifices for your sins. Under the New Covenant all is required to be saved is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2: 8-9, Titus 3:5 - once you have been redeemed and believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you need to walk in the spirit, in order to understand what that means read Galatians 5:19 - 25. Baptism in water is included because of the Great commission when Jesus commanded his disciples to go into all the world and proclaim the good news of the Gospel, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. If you have not been baptized, you are still saved and still a believer but, because Jesus commanded his disciples to baptize, then we need to be also to follow the Lord's example, BUT JUST REMEMBER THAT BAPTISM DOES NOT SAVE YOU. Read also: Romans 10:9–10.

My Reply:

I am in agreement until the word "baptism". Let me clarify that baptism is also part of the Jewish covenant program which (like tithing) is not to be carried over into our current grace program. Baptism originated under the Mosaic instructions concerning the washings of the Levitical priesthood. Since all of Israel is a kingdom of priests (Ex.19:6;1 Pet.2:9), the purpose of baptism (priestly washing) is applicable to all Jews under their covenant program if they are to enter the Kingdom.

As for the grace program of the Body of Christ, we have only one baptism, and it has nothing to do with water. It is the Holy Spirit who baptises us into the Body of Christ in the instant that a person believes the grace gospel and is saved, Eph.4:5.

It is important to rightly divide the Word of truth and not mix, blend together, the covenant program of the Kingdom with the Grace program of the Body of Christ. Mixing together these programs produces a confusing and contradictory doctrine.

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

This video is a snipping of the first 15-min of the source video from Paul Lucas. 


The reason for posting this short clip is because what Paul talks about in the first 15-min informs one very nicely of the context of our dispensation in relation to God's full redemption plan, including that of Israel. I wanted to bring to your attention why it is so important that we learn to rightly divide the word of truth, in order to understand and interpret the Bible correctly and in context.

I also encourage you to click on the link below and watch the entire video for a more detailed insight into the book of Hebrews, and how we should be interpreting this book in the context of Israel's program.

Interpreting the Bible is of critical importance to grow up in our faith and in the knowledge of God and His redemption plan. The Word of God needs to be correctly understood, in a dispensational context, rightly dividing between grace and mystery and law and prophecy, 2Tim.2:15.

Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx6HVVUulnA

Q&A Concerning Rightly Dividing and Jesus versus Paul

Q&A Concerning Rightly Dividing and Jesus versus Paul

QUESTION (on social media):

Why do people say "You don't have to obey Jesus because Paul said we are saved by grace?" Jesus said whoever doesn't obey his words, is building on sand. (Matthew 7:24-27) Paul was for Jesus.


ALL the words that Jesus spoke are spirit and life, Jn.6:63, but we must take note to WHOM Jesus spoke. In his earthly ministry, Jesus spoke to the Jews. His entire earthly ministry was directed to his people to save them so that Israel could be a light to the Gentiles, as prophecy describes. Jesus himself says the following,

Mat_15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (See also Matt.10:5–6)

Two wrongs don't make a right

Two wrongs do not make a right!

I don't particularly like to disagree with comments, but it was necessary in this regard as it could lead people down two wrong roads.

The following comment is a reaction to this post:


First, forget the King James. New International Version is best now. Nobody knows how to read the Bible. If you are born again, the Holy Spirit often shows you things by giving you understanding. Also, don’t read it front to back. First read the Gospels. Next read James, Peter 1 and 2, and Acts. This will save your eternal life.


Thank you for your comment. I always appreciate subsequent communication as it generates additional learning material for readers, as well as allows us to learn from each other.

This analogy about God restoring His Kingdom, 'ROCKS'!!!

This analogy about God restoring His Kingdom, 'ROCKS'!!!

Here is some more real-time drama on "The Big Picture".

I wrote this analogy in about 10-minutes. I think I was somehow inspired when I did. LOL!! All glory to God. When I reread what I wrote, I was completely surprised at how well it explains things, —at least I hope it does. In context, it came about from a reaction someone had on the below paragraph I wrote.

My paragraph:

Paul's doctrine of the mystery is for all nations; both Jew and Gentile, to be saved by the cross work of Christ and to be joined together into the Body of Christ and inherit the heavens. This is separate from the Kingdom program that belongs to Israel only, who were (and will again be in the tribulation) saved by believing in Jesus Christ as their Messiah and King. They will inherit the earth and enter as the preeminent nation into the Millennial Kingdom. This is how we rightly divide, between the prophetic program and the Mystery program.

A conversation with a non-Dispensationalist, initiated by this post which asked if Paul taught about fasting.

A conversation with a non-Dispensationalist, initiated by this post which asked if Paul taught about fasting. I post it here because I believe it contains valuable information for people who are learning to study the Word and who are seeing the need to rightly dividing the scriptures.


This is part of the problem with Dispensationalism — we have the clear teaching from Jesus Himself that fasting is an essential part of spiritual life (not to mention unambiguous historical records of periodic fasting being normative going back to the very earliest days of Christianity), and then Dispensationalists come up with excuses to disregard it all.


My post does not forbode fasting. It simply informs that it is not an obligation, nor a necessity, nor a means, under grace.

Common disputes about grace salvation that believers have if they fail to rightly divide

Common disputes about grace salvation that believers have if they fail to rightly divide

The following is a reply to clarify the common disputes that believers have if they fail to rightly divide the scriptures. This is a classic argument of a person that mixes, or blends, all the conditions of both the Kingdom and the Grace gospels into one, confusing the matter and creating contradictions concerning salvation. Some of the objections they raise concerning my article are as follows:

  • The road to salvation has ALWAYS BEEN THE SAME .
  • We must OBEY Christ’s commands since He came.
  • Those who repent will be saved. Those who do not repent will perish.
  • The idea of being saved merely by belief in God is refuted by James.
  • Hebrews, and elsewhere, warns of falling away.
  • You HAVE TO BEAR FRUIT, You HAVE TO STAY CLOSE to God/on the vine. Or you will not be saved.
  • Revelation 3 warns that "Those who endure to the end will be saved."
  • Once saved, always saved is a heresy.
  • Not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of the Father.

I encourage you to read the article in full to remain sharp on what arguments and disputes people raise when they do not rightly divide and become familiar with how one can inform these people with contextually correct answers.

This translation knocked the wind out my sails

This translation knocked the wind out my sails

Browsing YouTube recently, I saw this video in my feed. (See image above). I immediately noticed the caption showing 2Corinthians 5:14-17, one of my original 'go to' verse references for teaching and encouraging the study of the Bible rightly divided. I thought, WOW!!! I have never seen or heard of many preachers who teach this passage, because it is very controversial. I wanted to know what this preacher was going to say about it, and how he was going to teach it. Without even reading the actual verse onscreen, I clicked the video and found the location of the sermon where the preacher started with this verse.

Then, as he started to read the verse to the congregation, all my excitement and anticipation came crashing down. My first thought was, what is he reading? I don't recognize anything that was coming out of his mouth. Then I read the caption on the screen and thought, "what philosophy book did this come from?" That passage is not even CLOSE to the verses I am familiar with in my King James Bible. Not even the message, or meaning, of these verses' lines up with what my KJV says. I am aware that modern Bible translations are corrupt, but this translation knocked the wind out my sails. I was shocked!!! 

People today DO receive the Holy Spirit just as it was in the day of Pentecost.

People today DO receive the Holy Spirit just as it was in the day of Pentecost.


People today DO receive the Holy Spirit just as it was in the day of Pentecost. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. People Do get baptized by the Spirit and fire today, speaking in tongues and receiving spiritual gifts. This promise was then, and this promise is still active today until the day of the coming of our Lord. If you have not received the baptism of Holy Spirit, then seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you!


For about 30-years of my faith walk, I was in the Pentecostal and Charismatic denominational circles. I claimed to be 'baptized in the Spirit' and I participated in many intercessory prayer meetings, functioning in 'tongues', 'prophecy' and teaching. After I moved out from those denominational circles, through circumstances, I committed to really study the Word, looking first at prophecy and the gospels. When I continued into Paul’s epistles, I started to see a VERY different pattern. Paul said some really strange, but interesting things, like,

Remember Love

Remember Love

When one first learns about dispensational views and rightly dividing, it quickly becomes deeply rooted in one’s heart and it changes everything about one’s views and interpretation of scripture. I am personally convicted in my heart that rightly dividing the Word between Israel and the Body of Christ, between law and grace, and between prophecy and mystery, is the ONLY way to effectively understand and interpret scripture. It has exponentially changed my understanding of God’s Word and my relationship with Him, and I’ll never turn back to my old understanding of merging or blending all the Bible into a single doctrine that is all about me, or for my needs and cares and wants.

Having said all this, I do want to mention something that is of crucial importance. I’m not sure about you, but this is something that I have experienced and want to bring to your attention.

To be passionate about dispensational truth and rightly dividing is vital in this world where sound biblical knowledge is so scarce. However, for us, who view scripture rightly divided, we should be careful not to get too passionate about the theology and the words, that we forget about love and the human connection. 

What do I mean here? 

Law and Grace cannot be blended into one doctrine

Law and Grace cannot be blended into one doctrine


Peter and Paul had way more in common than differences. And your wispy doctrine has you all mixed up if you think you only have to follow what Paul says and not the apostle Peter. They are both apostles of this age of the new covenant and both their writings are to be obeyed because they are both divinely inspired.


Jesus said the following to his disciples,

Mat 10:5-6 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: (6) But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Furthermore, Jesus himself mentioned about his ministry,

Mat 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Questions on the two kinds of righteousness.

Comment in response to the following post: 


So, if it’s two types of righteousness what is Paul expressing here Romans 10:3-5 and in Deuteronomy 6:25; Romans 7:7 and in 1 John 3:4

If you say there are two types of righteousness, one by law and the other by faith, then how can Paul say one thing in the above verses and then turn around and say the opposite in those scriptures you put in your answer? 

Oh yes, Paul is also teaching from the Old Testament! So where in the Old Testament does it prophecy TWO types of righteousness?

2 Peter 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;

2 Peter 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

It is SAD but also DESTRUCTIVE how people mix doctrines up and get the gospels so confused.

It is SAD but also DESTRUCTIVE how people mix doctrines up and get the gospels so confused.

Below is a comment by someone trying to 'correct' the presentation of the grace gospel. Even if they were well-meaning in their intent, their ignorance is dangerous and can lead people down a path of lies. It is sad that this happens so often today in this world of social media where everyone wants to have their say. Information is rampant and much of it is not in align with the truth that comes plain and clear when one studies the Word of God. To study the Word and get clarity on the rightly divided truth, being able to distinguish between the prophetic and mystery programs, is a rare quality and of great value today. 

Different views and perspectives of Bible doctrine

Different views and perspectives of Bible doctrine.

Social media is a rich ground for finding questions on Bible doctrine and discovering what views and doctrines people hold to. Sadly, it is rare to find posts and interactions that correctly divide the Word between prophecy and mystery so that interpretations are more accurate and in context. Going online to various sites does of course allow one to post one's own rightly divided content, and sow seeds that others might read, providing them the chance to identify sound doctrine which may have escaped them. 

The need to divide, or cut, or handle, the Word is paramount to understanding its true context

The need to divide, or cut, or handle, the Word is paramount to understanding its true context


Your post about rightly dividing prophecy from mystery reminds me of a story about 6 blind men arguing about what an elephant was like. the poem, “The Blind Men and the Elephant” by John Saxe. In the poem, each blind man had grabbed a different part of the elephant and was vigorously defending his position. The man who had the leg declared the elephant was like a tree, the one who had the ear said he was like a fan, the one who had the trunk asserted he was like a snake, and so forth. So too, Christians can grab different verses in the New Testament and begin arguing—as if the Bible could contradict itself. That is not how to establish truth in the Christian world. The Bible is God-breathed and does not contradict itself. God’s people are to “rightly handle,” the Word and the words in it, and not wage useless word battles with them. The Bible can be wrongly believed and taught, and it can also be wrongly used as a weapon against other people.


Thanks for your input. I have no doubt that many denominational churches today handle the Word incorrectly, twisting the Word to fit their church creed or traditions instead of truly studying the Word to find out what God’s will and purpose for the Body of Christ truly is. Thus, your analogy is true for people who take parts of God’s Word and change it fit their purpose and views, essentially creating it into something like what you describe with the elephant's anatomy.

Rightly dividing is not a doctrine, nor is it an identify, it’s an inevitable conclusion.

Rightly dividing is not a doctrine, nor is it an identify, it’s an inevitable conclusion.

People who hold to a dispensational view of the Bible often justify their view by quoting the following verse …

2Tim 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 

… and they focus almost exclusively on the part of the verse that instructs one to rightly divide the Word of truth.

Now, although there is nothing wrong with that, since right division is of crucial importance to understand the Bible in the correct context, I do want to point out something that is often overlooked in the verse above, which is in fact the primary key to this whole concept of rightly dividing.

More ignorance of rightly dividing the Word


Paul contradicts himself saying even dead in sin your saved by grace then he says after knowing the truth if you sin there is no longer a sacrifice for sin. Why can't Bible thumpers see Paul's lies?


You draw attention to this supposed contradiction because you appear to be unaware of rightly dividing the Word of truth. There are two parts to God’s redemption plan. Prophetic (Israel’s doctrine) and Mystery (Paul’s doctrine). These two parts (doctrines) are unique and distinct, and they cannot be merged (or blended) together, as you clearly are doing in your question. On the other hand, if you keep the two doctrines apart, everything falls into place.

DM#17: Who is a minister to whom?

Doctrine of the Mysteries #17

Who is a minister to whom?

Rom 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:

Many people would read this sentence and not even notice the specific audience mentioned to whom Jesus ministered. Detail like this is important and should not be ignored if one desires to understand the Bible in its true context.

Paul tells us that Jesus Christ was a minister to the circumcision. Thus, Jesus ministered specifically to Israel. This statement cannot simply be dismissed as irrelevant as we have confirmation from Jesus himself,

A Workman, Approved by God

A Workman, Approved by God

2Ti 2:15-17  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  (16)  But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.  (17)  And their word will eat as doth a canker: …

What do we do with verses like the above? Do we steer away from them because they are too serious and foreboding? Do we ignore them because they are too weighty or admonishing? It is in times like these that we need to remember that these are not just words in a book, but that they are the words of God, our Creator, and words that carry life and truth that cannot be disregarded.

These verses tell us that there is a certain way of studying and understanding God’s Word. If we adhere to this, God approves us as workmen. If we do not adhere to that specific form of study, we are not approved by God as workmen, and we bring shame upon ourselves and upon the written Word. That shame and dishonour comes in the form of profane and vain babblings. Now, just stop there and take note. What is the message we are learning here? It comes down to this. If we do not study, understand, and communicate the Word of God in a specific way, the words that come from our mouth becomes profane, and is no more than useless babble to those that listen! That useless message, over time, will increase towards ungodliness, and will spread over and consume, not merely destroying the parts immediately affected, but will extend into the surrounding healthy parts and destroy them also. So it is with erroneous, unapproved doctrines. They will not merely eat out the truth in the particular matter to which they refer, but they will also spread over and corrupt other truths.

As grace believers, what is our primary objective? (Part 5)

Studying the Bible in the correct context

Start this series of posts with: Part 1

I stand firm on the fact that our primary objective, as grace believers, is to come to a knowledge of God’s Word. However, I also understand that we live our lives, day by day, bearing responsibilities, and being pulled into different directions due to demands, circumstances, and issues of life. So how do we balance the two? Well, the key to note is that 1Tim.2:4 does not have a deadline. We do not need to learn ALL truth and be experts in Bible doctrine before we can be used of the Lord. Life does not stop because we first have to learn ALL truth! No. The Lord provides us the opportunities daily, to encourage and edify others based on the measure of truth we know at our personal levels. We can offer ourselves as living sacrifices to the Lord daily, allowing the truth of the Word within us, to make us ambassadors of God’s kingdom, and reconcilers who show God’s love and forgiveness to others.

Even as babes in Christ, new believers can share the gospel with others through their testimony. However, our objective is to grow steadily in knowledge, not all at once, but daily, over our lifetime, so that we can increase in our responsibility of ambassadorship and in our ministry of reconciliation. Every grace believer can be a light for God’s kingdom, but when it comes to teaching others about God’s Word, this is when proper knowledge is very important. This is when the truth we know either approves us or disapproves us before God. Let me explain.