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Showing posts with label dispensational truths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dispensational truths. Show all posts

Correcting a common misunderstanding of water baptism

Correcting a common misunderstanding of water baptism

I'd just like to clarify that when I post these sorts of posts, it's because I believe they can be a good source of instruction and correction. Paul tells us that the Word of God, rightly divided (2Tim.2:15), is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works, 2Tim.3:16-17. So, in this regard, when someone posts something that does not agree with a rightly divided context, I take the opportunity presented and use it for teaching purposes. God bless.

Social Media Response:

Nobody has ever explained the difference between old Covenant and New Covenant teaching. The things that were required under the old Covenant include tithing and obeying the law and making sacrifices for your sins. Under the New Covenant all is required to be saved is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2: 8-9, Titus 3:5 - once you have been redeemed and believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you need to walk in the spirit, in order to understand what that means read Galatians 5:19 - 25. Baptism in water is included because of the Great commission when Jesus commanded his disciples to go into all the world and proclaim the good news of the Gospel, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. If you have not been baptized, you are still saved and still a believer but, because Jesus commanded his disciples to baptize, then we need to be also to follow the Lord's example, BUT JUST REMEMBER THAT BAPTISM DOES NOT SAVE YOU. Read also: Romans 10:9–10.

My Reply:

I am in agreement until the word "baptism". Let me clarify that baptism is also part of the Jewish covenant program which (like tithing) is not to be carried over into our current grace program. Baptism originated under the Mosaic instructions concerning the washings of the Levitical priesthood. Since all of Israel is a kingdom of priests (Ex.19:6;1 Pet.2:9), the purpose of baptism (priestly washing) is applicable to all Jews under their covenant program if they are to enter the Kingdom.

As for the grace program of the Body of Christ, we have only one baptism, and it has nothing to do with water. It is the Holy Spirit who baptises us into the Body of Christ in the instant that a person believes the grace gospel and is saved, Eph.4:5.

It is important to rightly divide the Word of truth and not mix, blend together, the covenant program of the Kingdom with the Grace program of the Body of Christ. Mixing together these programs produces a confusing and contradictory doctrine.

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

This video is a snipping of the first 15-min of the source video from Paul Lucas. 


The reason for posting this short clip is because what Paul talks about in the first 15-min informs one very nicely of the context of our dispensation in relation to God's full redemption plan, including that of Israel. I wanted to bring to your attention why it is so important that we learn to rightly divide the word of truth, in order to understand and interpret the Bible correctly and in context.

I also encourage you to click on the link below and watch the entire video for a more detailed insight into the book of Hebrews, and how we should be interpreting this book in the context of Israel's program.

Interpreting the Bible is of critical importance to grow up in our faith and in the knowledge of God and His redemption plan. The Word of God needs to be correctly understood, in a dispensational context, rightly dividing between grace and mystery and law and prophecy, 2Tim.2:15.

Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx6HVVUulnA

Does God still speak today?

Does God still speak today?

I post these social media interactions because they are a great source of Q&A. It also helps arm us believers with how unbelievers, or even uneducated babes in Christ, think or reason out spiritual matters.


  • Tell me this…how come God no longer speaks to man and no longer manifest himself. I know many claims God speaks or have spoken to them but realistically the person speaking is your inner thoughts. It’s always humans making claims for God not God himself. You’d think an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-present god would make his presence known to the world and not in visions and dreams of charlatans. The world is in crises all over. He is needed more than ever. Where is Christ in all of crises?


The bible tells us why. I’ll explain it in summary. It all has to do with a God’s overall plan to restore heaven and earth to its former glory under Christ.

A conversation with a non-Dispensationalist, initiated by this post which asked if Paul taught about fasting.

A conversation with a non-Dispensationalist, initiated by this post which asked if Paul taught about fasting. I post it here because I believe it contains valuable information for people who are learning to study the Word and who are seeing the need to rightly dividing the scriptures.


This is part of the problem with Dispensationalism — we have the clear teaching from Jesus Himself that fasting is an essential part of spiritual life (not to mention unambiguous historical records of periodic fasting being normative going back to the very earliest days of Christianity), and then Dispensationalists come up with excuses to disregard it all.


My post does not forbode fasting. It simply informs that it is not an obligation, nor a necessity, nor a means, under grace.

We have the clear teaching from Jesus Himself that fasting is an essential part of spiritual life

We have the clear teaching from Jesus Himself that fasting is an essential part of spiritual life

The following is a reactional comment from this post concerning fasting, and if it is observed in the grace dispensation.


This is part of the problem with Dispensationalism — we have the clear teaching from Jesus Himself that fasting is an essential part of spiritual life (not to mention unambiguous historical records of periodic fasting being normative going back to the very earliest days of Christianity), and then Dispensationalists come up with excuses to disregard it all.


My post does not forbode fasting. It simply informs that it is not an obligation, nor a necessity, nor a means, under grace.

Benching dispensationalism, I do want to bring attention to how you suggest that what Jesus taught applies to us. It is important to know that the Bible tells us clearly that Jesus taught under the law (Gal.4:4; Rom.15:8) and that his earthly ministry and teachings were addressed to Jews only (Matt.10:5-6; Matt.15:24). When Jesus called men to follow him, it was a call for Jews to follow his example and pattern of living. It was an example of living under the kingdom he was about to set up (Matt.4:17). This is not the example we follow today because we do not belong to that earthly kingdom. We belong to the heavenly kingdom (Eph.2:6; 2Tm.4:18), a different part of God’s whole redemption plan (Eph.1:10; Col.1:20).

What is the role of good works in salvation according to the New Testament?

What is the role of good works in salvation according to the New Testament?

This is a great question! There are many who are so confused regarding good works and salvation in the New Testament. Let’s get into the Bible and find out exactly how good works and salvation should work together.

We must first start by recognizing that there are two dispensations in the New Testament. Simply read the book of Acts, where the apostle Luke leads us out of the Kingdom dispensation under Jesus and the 12-apostles and into the grace dispensation under the apostle Paul. I mention this because it is vitally important to understand that salvation and the context of good works both change between the two dispensations. 


In the Kingdom program, good works were necessary to prove one’s faith for salvation. Read James 2:17-26 to get an understanding that salvation depended upon the works that demonstrated one’s faith confession in the identity of Christ. Salvation began with a confession of Christ as in these examples,

(Part 2) Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul

Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul (Part 2)

See Part 1 here

Question #1

  • In regard to Matthew 25:31–46, you assign that as before the 1000-year reign starts, but what about at the end of the 1000-year reign when for a small season, the devil will be released from the pit for a last rebellion? You do not think that reference may apply to that time as that would be when the Great White Throne Judgment is at when all the dead are raised up and judged by their works.

Matthew 25 does not reference the time that Jesus refers to as the Sheep and Goats judgement. This judgement is specifically enforced to determine which Gentiles will enter the Millennial kingdom. Without this judgement, no Gentiles will exist in the kingdom, which does not line up with prophecy which tells that the Jews will be the preeminent nation in the kingdom and that the Gentile nations will seek the counsel of the Jews and abide by the law administered by the Jews as the kings and priests in the kingdom.

As you rightly identify, the release of Satan will deceive many at the end of the Millennial reign and both Satan and those deceived will be quickly ended when God sends down fire from heaven. Both Satan’s captivity in the pit, and the Sheep and Goats judgement occur before the beginning of the 1000-years.

(Part 1) Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul

Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul (Part 1)

Question #1

  • So, is Peter & the 11 were really preaching an earthly kingdom when Jesus wasn’t here?

The statement Jesus used in Lk.17:20 in answering the Pharisees is that the kingdom of God was ‘within’ Israel, or ‘amongst’ them at that moment. To those who could discern it, the King was there in their midst. At this time, during Jesus earthly ministry, the kingdom would not come in a physical way, as it would come at His second coming, and demand the attention of the world. The first advent of Jesus was not yet to physically save Israel, but rather to prophetically announce and prepare Israel for the imminency of the Kingdom and ratify the New Covenant. It was a work of faith.

After Jesus ascended, the early Acts church continued the work that Jesus started; to preach and prepare Israel for the imminency of their Kingdom. The physical kingdom had not yet arrived, but they were fully expecting it when Jesus came back. See Acts 1:6.

Question #2

  • Below in regard to Matthew 25:34 in context, this reads like the event of the Great white Throne Judgment, because of verse 40 in relation to verse 31.

Matthew 25:31-46 is not the Great White throne judgement. This White throne judgement occurs after the 1000-year (Millennial) Kingdom of Christs rule. The judgement in Matt.25 is the “Sheep and Goats” judgement which is upon the Gentiles at the end of the 7-year Tribulation. After Jesus has destroyed the armies of the Antichrist in Armageddon, this judgement occurs to determine who of the Gentiles will enter the Millennial Kingdom. This Gentiles who supported Israel (Jews) during the tribulation would find justification to enter the Kingdom. Conversely, those Gentiles who did not support Israel in the tribulation would be cast into the fire. The description of support for Israel that Jesus uses in this passage is clear. 

How do I know if a Bible verse or passage applies to me today?

How do I know if a Bible verse or passage applies to me today?


Is 1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭16‬ trans-dispensational?


Before we evaluate the requested passage, let me first explain the term ‘trans-dispensational” and then provide a few examples of verses that are trans-dispensational and compare them with others that are not. I aim to provide some insights into how we can determine one from the other.

The term "trans-dispensational" refers to a concept that transcends the different dispensations, or periods of time, throughout bible history. Dispensationalism is a framework for interpreting the Bible that sees God's work and purpose as being carried out in different ways during different ages. A trans-dispensational verse, therefore, would be one that holds true and is applicable across all these dispensations, reflecting a principle or truth that is consistent throughout the entirety of Scripture, regardless of the specific time period or dispensation it addresses.

With this understanding, let’s now have a look at some verse examples and see if we can pick up some trends or insights into how to identify trans-dispensational verses from those that are not.

Chosen before the foundation of the world

Chosen before the foundation of the world


Did God have a redemption plan for us through the body of Christ from the creation of the world?


I like your question, and I can go one better in my reply!! Yes, God had a redemption plan for us, as the Body of Christ, but it was not planned from the creation of the world, or since the world began, but rather, it was ordained BEFORE the world began. 

Naturally, God’s entire redemption plan was determined long before the world was made. God knows the end from the beginning as we read in Isaiah 46:10. However, it is interesting how we can distinguish the redemption of the Body of Christ from other dispensations based on the context of timing and on what was prophesied versus what was kept secret.

Is our gospel the same as that which Jesus and the 12-Apostles taught?

Is our gospel the same as that which Jesus and the 12-Apostles taught?

COMMENT (in response to an article teaching that there is more than one gospel):

Readers, please take a few minutes to read Galatians 1:6-12. It plainly says that there is one Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any time more than one Gospel is taught in scripture or by any teacher, by Biblical teachings, it is a different or false interpretation of scripture. Please read Acts 8:36-38, and Acts10:44-47. These Scriptures clearly say Gentiles are being baptized and receiving the Holy Spirit, and there are many more scriptures that describe the same things. Finally read Matthew 28:19-20 The Great Commission: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations (Gentiles) baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are commanded to reprove our teachers by what the scriptures actually say to be certain of the truth of our true Teacher, the Holy Spirit.


I’d like to point out that you conveniently use Paul’s writings to prove only one gospel, but then you send the read back to all the references of the Kingdom gospel which is for Israel, and completely discount all the rest of Paul's writings that clearly define his credentials as the apostle of the Gentiles, and who received a new gospel and mystery doctrine, revealed to him by the risen Christ.

Why did Cornelius receive the Holy Spirit before Water Baptism?


Explain how Cornelius and the Gentiles had received the remission of sins by believing in Him as Peter said and received the Holy Ghost BEFORE water baptism.

I still say Peter did not preach another gospel as that gospel of the kingdom is the same gospel of grace as the gospel of the kingdom was never going to happen until after His death, resurrection and ascension as Jesus said to Nicodemus and again in John 6th chapter.


There are many types and shadows in the Bible. The life of Joseph has about 40 similarities to the life of Jesus. Abraham’s almost sacrifice of Isaac was a shadow of the crucifixion, etc, etc. God confirms His Word with events or happenings that depict Christ or that announces his will.

Before I get to Cornelius, consider what happened in the beginning of Paul’s ministry to herald the blinding of the Jews and a new dispensation of grace to the Gentiles without the need for Israel. Read Acts 13:6-12 and consider the blinding of Barjesus (who represented Israel, being blinded for a season).

His winnowing fork is in his hand

The following is in response to a post that informs that the grace gospel, concerning the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the ONLY means of salvation today.


John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Jesus is the very one who will baptize everyone with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who will TRANSFORM everyone.

His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” And with many other words John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them. (Gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire means people will go to hell unless people are baptized by the Holy Spirit and TRANSFORM into a new being.)


The response you provide above concerns the day of judgement when Jesus comes back at the end of the Tribulation. Please note that it has nothing to do with the gospel, or salvation.

Jesus conditions everyone at all times to do THREE works for salvation

Dear reader,

I frequent a few social media sites in order to post the good news of the grace gospel and provide some insights into understanding the Bible rightly divided. It is becoming more and more apparent that people are so deceived when it comes, not only to sound Biblical doctrine, but, to the core of our faith, which is the gospel. The root of this deception is an absolute lack of Bible knowledge, not only in the earthly ministry of Christ, but more so, in the crucial lack of rightly dividing the Word between prophecy and mystery.

The reason for posting these comments from individuals is to educate you. We need to know firstly how people interpret the Word, so we can be prepared to answer them in their errors. Secondly, we need to know ourselves what the grace gospel is. Then, thirdly, we need to know what the correct understanding of the topic is based on right division.

Below is another wildly flawed understanding of salvation in this grace dispensation. Please read it and familiarize with why it is wrong and what the correct understanding is all about. Let's learn and correct these misconceptions so that we can be a voice to those who need to hear the truth.


If we don’t work at doing good works, then we will not be saved. I have no doubt about it according to Matt 25:41-46. If you doubt that, I will offer the verse that Jesus conditions everyone at all times to do this work, THREE works in fact…

DM#24: I have laid the foundation

Doctrine of the Mysteries #24

I have laid the foundation

1Co 3:10  According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

In our key verse above, Paul tells us that he is a master builder who has laid the foundation for the new dispensation of grace that God started through his ministry. This foundation is based upon the mystery doctrine that God revealed to Paul and which he wrote about in his epistles. However, before we discuss this foundation, we must take note that there is another foundation which God had previously laid. Furthermore, it is of great importance that we are aware of both, what the significance of each is, and that we know which foundation is the one we should build upon.

God’s previously laid foundation

The writer of Hebrews informs us of this previously laid foundation. It is a foundation that belongs to Israel. It consists of their doctrine and is the base upon which their faith and services to God ought to be built. Let’s have a look at the passage,

Explain how the doctrine taught by Paul is different to that taught by Peter?

Explain how the doctrine taught by Paul is different to that taught by Peter?


I don’t see how the doctrine Paul taught differed from Peter (as an example) except Paul preached to the Gentiles and Peter to the Jews (who knew the Torah). If you are claiming the doctrine that Paul taught supersedes or is the only way to “get off the milk” of a new believer, which verses would you specifically point to and why?


The answer is too extensive to write in one reply as it concerns the whole of Paul’s revelation of the risen and glorified Christ, however, I can provide a few thought-provoking scriptures that you can read and consider.

You have two statements I can respond to (in very short summation),

1. I don’t see how the doctrine Paul taught differed from Peter (as an example) except Paul preached to the Gentile and Peter to the Jew (who knew the Torah).

DM#3: Established by a Spiritual Gift

Doctrine of the Mysteries #3

Rom 1:11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;

Established by a Spiritual Gift

The ‘spiritual gift’ that Paul was to impart upon the church at Rome was not the kind of miraculous powers that operated in the early church under the apostleship of the 12. Miracles had a specific purpose in the Jewish church at that time. Like the miracles that Jesus did, God’s power through the 12-apostles was to confirm to Jews that they operated under the ministry and blessing of God. Remember, Jews required signs for this very purpose, Joh 4:48; 1Cor 1:22.

DM#2: Prayer in our current mystery program

Doctrine of the Mysteries #2

Rom 1:9-10  For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;  (10)  Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you.

Prayer in our current mystery program

Israel’s suspended prophetic program was physical. God worked with Israel in the physical realm. Jesus’ ministry was confirmed by physical miracles. The physical enemies of Israel will be vanquished. Israel will inherit a physical, earthly, kingdom. On the other hand, the current mystery program of the Body of Christ is spiritual. We do not inherit a physical land. We are not a nation, but a spiritual body. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Our ultimate vocation will be in the spiritual realm. 

God’s Multipart Plan to Redeem HEAVEN and EARTH (Part 2)

God’s Multipart Plan to Redeem HEAVEN and EARTH (Part 2)

In part one, we learned about the Prophetic program which concerns Israel, prophecy, and law, to ‘fix’ the earth. In this part, our focus will be on the Mystery program which concerns the Body of Christ and God’s grace, to ‘fix’ heaven.

Remember, this is still a high-level overview of the layout of the Bible from cover to cover. We will look at scriptures to confirm things in the subsequent parts.

So, what is this Mystery program, and how does it concern us today?

As we saw in the Prophetic program in part one, it is a complete program, beginning with a world in corruption, and ending in the restoration of earth at the second coming of Christ. However, God divided this program into two parts, separating the Tribulation and Millennial Kingdom and pushing it 2000-years into the future from the cross. The reason for this is because of the unbelief of Israel. When they refused the ministry of the Holy Spirit through the apostles at Pentecost, God blinded Israel and suspended their program. At this point, God saved Paul and sent him to the Gentiles with a new message of grace through the cross of Christ. This new message was completely different to the prophetic and law orientated program of Israel. Paul tells the Corinthians that everything has become new,

A Workman, Approved by God

A Workman, Approved by God

2Ti 2:15-17  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  (16)  But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.  (17)  And their word will eat as doth a canker: …

What do we do with verses like the above? Do we steer away from them because they are too serious and foreboding? Do we ignore them because they are too weighty or admonishing? It is in times like these that we need to remember that these are not just words in a book, but that they are the words of God, our Creator, and words that carry life and truth that cannot be disregarded.

These verses tell us that there is a certain way of studying and understanding God’s Word. If we adhere to this, God approves us as workmen. If we do not adhere to that specific form of study, we are not approved by God as workmen, and we bring shame upon ourselves and upon the written Word. That shame and dishonour comes in the form of profane and vain babblings. Now, just stop there and take note. What is the message we are learning here? It comes down to this. If we do not study, understand, and communicate the Word of God in a specific way, the words that come from our mouth becomes profane, and is no more than useless babble to those that listen! That useless message, over time, will increase towards ungodliness, and will spread over and consume, not merely destroying the parts immediately affected, but will extend into the surrounding healthy parts and destroy them also. So it is with erroneous, unapproved doctrines. They will not merely eat out the truth in the particular matter to which they refer, but they will also spread over and corrupt other truths.