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Showing posts with label imputation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imputation. Show all posts

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 4 - He staggered not, but was strong in faith)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 4 - He staggered not, but was strong in faith)

Rom 4:3-5  For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

In the beginning of Romans, Paul appealed to us (the reader of his epistles) that we should have faith in ‘the faith’; our doctrine that God inspired Paul to write, that contains the principles which should govern our lives. We should have faith not only in the words he wrote, but we ought to have faith that they are the very words of God, 1Cor.14:37; God’s will for us, His desires for us, the way He wants us to walk and function as members of the Body of Christ.

Now, in chapter four of Romans, after having delivered the doctrine of justification: concerning the wrath of God, concerning His righteousness and justice, and concerning His love for us through His Son, Paul writes to us of faith, again, appealing to us to have faith in the gospel, in like manner that Abraham had faith in God, believing that He was able to do what He promised Abraham,

Rom 4:20  He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;  (21)  And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.  (22)  And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.

More ignorance of rightly dividing the Word


Paul contradicts himself saying even dead in sin your saved by grace then he says after knowing the truth if you sin there is no longer a sacrifice for sin. Why can't Bible thumpers see Paul's lies?


You draw attention to this supposed contradiction because you appear to be unaware of rightly dividing the Word of truth. There are two parts to God’s redemption plan. Prophetic (Israel’s doctrine) and Mystery (Paul’s doctrine). These two parts (doctrines) are unique and distinct, and they cannot be merged (or blended) together, as you clearly are doing in your question. On the other hand, if you keep the two doctrines apart, everything falls into place.

The Journey: Part 3 - Imputation and Propitiation, The Work of God's Love

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 3 - Imputation and Propitiation, The Work of God's Love

The gospel of grace that was communicated to you, and that you chose to put your trust in, provides you with all you need to know about who Jesus Christ is and what He freely did for you (1 Cor.15:1-4). Furthermore, it settles with surety and finality, that through Jesus' death on the cross, and the blood He shed for you, you have complete forgiveness of sins, and by His subsequent burial, and glorious resurrection from the dead, you are absolutely and utterly justified before God and sealed in Christ for that glorious day of redemption, (Rom.4:25).