Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program.
You speak much about forgiveness, but what about repentance? I checked in the scripture and find most of it in the Gospels, Acts and Revelation, but also one in 2Cor 7:9-10 and another in 2Tim 2:25. So there is not much about repentance in Paul's writing. It looks like repentance for Jews is something they need to do, but for us, we just acknowledge that the body can fall in weakness, but the spirit is willing. Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program. TX.
Thank you for your question.
Let’s define the proper meaning of the word ‘repentance’. It is to have a change of mind that takes action to correct one’s sins or errors after being exposed to truth. Repentance is not about emotions or feelings. It concerns the mind; it concerns making corrective choices to bring wayward thinking and actions back to a conforming of truth.