Start this post series from the beginning, here.
The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 11: Dispensational Wisdom)
The epistle of Romans is the foundational epistle of the Christian faith. An analysis of its contents reveals that the letter can be divided into four parts, each part representing a cornerstone of the Christian faith. Missing any one of these four cornerstones, the faith foundation of a Christian can become compromised and shaky. It is vitally important to have a good understanding of each of these four cornerstones to ensure that the foundation of your faith is stable and secure.
In this series we have already covered the first two cornerstones, (1) God's Righteousness, and (2) God's Grace. The third cornerstone of Romans is "Dispensational Wisdom". Since my entire blog is based on a dispensational view of scripture, I'm not going to write much about this cornerstone, but rather point you to specific posts that I have already written in the past.