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Showing posts with label interpretation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interpretation. Show all posts

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

This video is a snipping of the first 15-min of the source video from Paul Lucas. 


The reason for posting this short clip is because what Paul talks about in the first 15-min informs one very nicely of the context of our dispensation in relation to God's full redemption plan, including that of Israel. I wanted to bring to your attention why it is so important that we learn to rightly divide the word of truth, in order to understand and interpret the Bible correctly and in context.

I also encourage you to click on the link below and watch the entire video for a more detailed insight into the book of Hebrews, and how we should be interpreting this book in the context of Israel's program.

Interpreting the Bible is of critical importance to grow up in our faith and in the knowledge of God and His redemption plan. The Word of God needs to be correctly understood, in a dispensational context, rightly dividing between grace and mystery and law and prophecy, 2Tim.2:15.

Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx6HVVUulnA

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #3)

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #3)

This post is written for the sole purpose of illustrating the ignorance of sound doctrine on social media these days. My aim is to emphasize the absolute necessity of studying the Bible for oneself and seeking answers from the source instead of relying on imaginations or opinions given by people, who may be sincere, but are as ignorant as the one who asked the question to start with. 

So, let's begin by stating the question that was asked in the beginning of a social media thread,

QUESTION: "How can Christians catch the Spirit?"

Below is the third of a few answers that were supplied to this question on social media. They appear to be sincere but are unfortunately completely false or have parts that are from the imaginations of men who have not sought out the truth in the Word of God. After this 'answer', and a few more that I will write about later, I add comments as to why the answer is wrong and what the Word of God actually says about it.

False Imagination #3

To catch the Spirit we need to know what are the commandments that Jesus gave? They are in Matthew 5:3–16 plus the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36–40). Strive to master all of the provisions in the Sermon on the Mount because as you do you will draw closer to God and feel His Spirit more abundantly in your life.

My comments:

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #2)

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #2)

This post is written for the sole purpose of illustrating the ignorance of sound doctrine on social media these days. My aim is to emphasize the absolute necessity of studying the Bible for oneself and seeking answers from the source instead of relying on imaginations or opinions given by people, who may be sincere, but are as ignorant as the one who asked the question to start with. 

So, let's begin by stating the question that was asked in the beginning of the thread,

QUESTION: "How can Christians catch the Spirit?"

Below is the second of a few answers that were supplied to this question on social media. They appear to be sincere but are unfortunately completely false or have parts that are from the imaginations of men who have not sought out the truth in the Word of God. After this 'answer', and a few more that I will write about later, I add comments as to why the answer is wrong and what the Word of God actually says about it.

False Imagination #2

You will get the Holy Spirit if and when God Almighty chooses to grant it to you. The fact is most do NOT receive the grant of Holy Spirit, but that is NOT a bad thing.

Born again (baptized/anointed) by Holy Spirit is reserved for just a very few here on earth. This anointing or appointing only is for those who have been selected from among humans by God Almighty HIMSELF to serve in heaven as kings and priest alongside Jesus Christ. They receive a gift of Holy Spirit that assures them that they are HIS adopted children. The number of these is exactly 144,000, no more, no less.

My comments:

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #1)

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #1)

This post is written for the sole purpose of illustrating the ignorance of sound doctrine on social media these days. My aim is to emphasize the absolute necessity of studying the Bible for oneself and seeking answers from the source instead of relying on imaginations or opinions given by people, who may be sincere, but are as ignorant as the one who asked the question to start with. 

So, let's begin by stating the question that was asked in the beginning of the thread,

QUESTION: "How can Christians catch the Spirit?"

Below is the first of a few answers that were supplied to this question on social media. They appear to be sincere but are unfortunately completely false or have parts that are from the imaginations of men who have not sought out the truth in the Word of God. After this 'answer', and a few more that I will write about later, I add comments as to why the answer is wrong and what the Word of God actually says about it.

False Imagination #1

If you are a Christian and accept Christ, the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost is in you. To activate it, you need to do one very important thing: Let the Holy Spirit decide certain life decisions for you. To tell if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, you will feel some things feel “right”, or some things feel “wrong”. Society sometimes calls it a “gut instinct”. However, in this case, you will feel in your intuition that some things are what God wants you to do, while some just feel off.

My comments:

Must I Audibly Confess "Jesus Is Lord" To Be Saved?

What About Romans 10:9-10? Must I Audibly Confess "Jesus Is Lord" To Be Saved?

I have had this question asked to me many times within my circle of influence, indicating that there is a lot of misunderstanding around what the 'confession of Jesus with the mouth' means. The key to understanding this passage is to read it in context and to know who the target audience was that Paul was writing to. This article will clarify the context, but as for the target audience, that is easily cleared up by simple going to the first verse in this tenth chapter of Romans. It reads the following,

Rom.10:1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.

So, we know that Paul is addressing Jews and that the context will thus be according to their customs and beliefs. 

Shawn provides a much more detailed explanation of this question on his website here, but this excerpt of his article below gives an excellent summary explanation to bring one to a clear understanding of this often misquoted passage.

The Stages of Christ's Ascension and Return (Part 9)

The Stages of Christ's Ascension and Return (Part 9)

Verses often do not provide timeline context

I'd like to draw your attention to an important concept before we get into the next stage of Christ's return. This concept will become relevant as we continue in this study.

It is crucial to understand that verses often do not provide timeline context. As we study and piece multiple scripture together, one would gain the information necessary to discover if there is, and if any, what the timeline is between verses. Let's have a look at what I'm referring to in our key verses,

1 Thess.4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  

1 Cor.15:51-52 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed [raptured], 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:

The Bible still has SECRETS!

The Bible still has SECRETS

The Bible still has SECRETS!

With regards to the gospel of our salvation, there is absolutely no doubts about the clarity of the message that we all need to hear and respond to. But, there are other parts of the bible that we will never fully understand. There will always be several interpretations, by several different persons, on certain passages of scripture. Which passages you might ask? That's easy to answer. Passages that deal with trans-dispensational events, and passages that deal with future events. Since these parts of scripture deal with happenings in the past or the future, there will never be perfect consensus on these, so we don't know exactly how things developed, or will play out. Anyone is welcome to dispute this (heeding the advice in 2 Tim.2:23), but for me, it is a fact that settles it.

Limit your Exposure to Worldly Wisdom

Limit your Exposure
to Worldly Wisdom

Avoid overexposure with too many sources.
The Bible is our only true source.