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Showing posts with label intentions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intentions. Show all posts

Preaching Christ: The Heart of the Matter

Preaching Christ: The Heart of the Matter

In Philippians 1:14-18, we find Paul reflecting on his imprisonment and its unexpected effects on the spread of the gospel. His captivity has emboldened others to preach with greater courage, but Paul notices that not everyone does so with pure intentions. Some preach out of envy and rivalry, while others preach out of goodwill and love. Despite the mixed motives, Paul’s remarkable conclusion is that what truly matters is that Christ is preached.

Reflecting on this, Paul asks, "What then?" How should it affect my feelings when others preach from envy or rivalry? His answer is profound: regardless of their motives—whether in pretense or truth—the key point is that Christ is being proclaimed.

"Pretense" means hiding one’s true motives and giving others a false impression. It involves trying to cover up true intentions, often for personal gain. Paul did not support this kind of deception, but he did support spreading the message of Christ. For him, the core message—that Jesus Christ is the Saviour—and saving souls was more important than any competition or rivalry.

This serves as a powerful reminder that the proclamation of Christ, regardless of the manner, possesses the potential to impact and transform lives. Although it is preferable for preachers to be well-educated and sincere in their motives, any form of announcing the Saviour is preferable to silence.

Paul's kindness and understanding of this matter offers a few important lessons for us to consider. For example, if others are more popular or successful, we should celebrate their success because it means Christ is being preached. When other ministers preach, even if we see errors in their messages, yet the grace gospel is proclaimed, we can still find joy in the fact that Christ is magnified. When we can't preach because of other commitments, we should rejoice that others are able to share the message of Christ. No matter what the circumstance, what the intentions, or who is preaching, if it is proclaiming the free gift of justification through the cross and resurrection of Christ, we should rejoice in their contributions to God's work and to the furtherance of our blessed grace gospel.

In a world where so many things can hinder and affect the spread of the gospel, let us look at things the way Paul did. Let us celebrate the shared goal of making Christ known to all.