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Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts

Understanding The Gospel (An IMPORTANT message for learning and understanding the Bible)

Understanding The Gospel (An IMPORTANT message for learning and understanding the Bible)

Here is an important teaching from Paul Lucas, dealing with "the understanding of the gospel". I plan to upload only this video (on my YouTube channel), the first in a series that Paul will present and upload to his channel going forward. I encourage you to watch this video and return to his channel for the subsequent videos in this series. 

What I find of great value in this teaching series is not only the proper understanding of  what the bible refers to as the gospel, but even more importantly is the information we can learn concerning studying the bible itself; how to look for and understand patterns in the perfect design of God's word in the King James Authorized version, how to interpret each word as it is set in place in the sentence structure, and how to take time in studying and cross referencing the text within the passage, and within the context of the book in which it occurs, and in context with other books in the Bible itself. 

As Paul says in the video, the King James version is a PERFECT book in design, in grammar, in information structure, and in its message. How can we exhaust just one book, let alone all 66. God is all wise and He has ensured that the words in the KJV communicate this to us in great detail and accuracy.

Click here to view the video. The make sure to go to Paul's channel here and look out for the rest of the series as and when they are uploaded.

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 4 - He staggered not, but was strong in faith)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 4 - He staggered not, but was strong in faith)

Rom 4:3-5  For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

In the beginning of Romans, Paul appealed to us (the reader of his epistles) that we should have faith in ‘the faith’; our doctrine that God inspired Paul to write, that contains the principles which should govern our lives. We should have faith not only in the words he wrote, but we ought to have faith that they are the very words of God, 1Cor.14:37; God’s will for us, His desires for us, the way He wants us to walk and function as members of the Body of Christ.

Now, in chapter four of Romans, after having delivered the doctrine of justification: concerning the wrath of God, concerning His righteousness and justice, and concerning His love for us through His Son, Paul writes to us of faith, again, appealing to us to have faith in the gospel, in like manner that Abraham had faith in God, believing that He was able to do what He promised Abraham,

Rom 4:20  He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;  (21)  And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.  (22)  And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 3 - God's Wrath, Righteousness, and Love)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 3 - God's Wrath, Righteousness, and Love)

Paul starts his exposition of the grace gospel with reference to the wrath of God in Rom.1:18,

Rom.1:18-19  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;  (19)  Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

Why does Paul do this? Isn't the gospel supposed to be 'good news'? What is so good about knowing about God's wrath? Well, this question has two answers,

  1. God's wrath cannot and shouldn't be ignored. It is a true and very important fact to know.
  2. God's wrath brings value to the sacrifice of Christ, and confirmation of His great love for us.

If one had to share the gospel with someone, they'd only have half the gospel if you only shared the cross, the resurrection, and God's love. These aspects are emphasized by the fact that God despises and cannot tolerate sin, and the fact that we are sinners, qualifies us utterly to be the recipients of His righteous and horrific wrath. As utterly loving and forgiving God is towards us, we can expect no less than His utter vengeance and righteous wrath upon us for our rebellion. 

God's Forbearance and Righteousness revealed in Christ

God's Forbearance and Righteousness revealed in Christ

Rom.3:24-26  Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:  (25)  Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;  (26)  To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

Imagine I told people that the only way to be justified with God was to jump across the ocean to another country; obviously, that would be impossible. Without God's grace, this would serve as a good illustration of how unattainable it is for us humans to be justified before God. However, what does the human heart do? What about sinners who believe they can earn their salvation through their efforts? In their ignorance, they attempt this challenge regardless—one person jumps two feet and falls far short, while another jumps twenty feet and, instead of acknowledging how far he still is from the other side of the ocean, turns around and says, "Look how much better I am than that guy."

The point of the matter is, the man that jumps the furthest is in the deepest water. It's the people in this world who compare themselves with drug addicts and serial killers and pedophiles that are in the most trouble because they're comparing themselves to everybody around them and refusing to acknowledge how far short of the glory of God they've fallen. They think they are in a different category because they are not as bad as those people. They seem to ignore the fact that in the sight of God, they are as guilty and vile as addicts, murderers and pedophiles. What does John say, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1Jn.1:8. People who think they are more righteous than the person next to them are deceived and lie to themselves. The scriptures say that all have sinned, and all have come short of the glory of God. 

Video: Understanding Salvation (Part 3) - The faith of Abraham

I continue the video series called 'Understanding Salvation' with this 3rd part. I encourage you to take time to listen to the series and gain a deeper understanding of salvation, which is NOT only the escape of hell, as many Christinas think, but MUCH more than only that first step.

See part 3 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mfeCbkaVeU

God bless.

Being in a ready state to preach the gospel of Christ

Being in a ready state to preach the gospel of Christ

To summarize this video: It is a heartfelt encouragement to believers to actively share the gospel of Christ. It emphasizes the importance of preaching the gospel, whether on street corners or in casual conversations, despite potential opposition and persecution. The video highlights the increasing ignorance and hostility towards God’s word in today’s world and urges believers to pray for boldness and grace to speak the words of life. 

I trust that watching this video may motivate you to take your role as ambassadors of Christ seriously, to speak the gospel boldly, and to understand the eternal significance of your efforts.

The video also includes a printable PDF document (in the description area) with organized scriptures to help one to present the gospel effectively. Use the PDF to memorize scriptures so you can be prepared to share the gospel at any moment. Every person deserves to hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen.

See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISjZID32lPM

Edification through Reaction and Response

Edification through Reaction and Response

There have been a number of reactions, comments, and statements made from this post. I thought I'd post these for some reading and contemplation. I trust my replies will provide a suitable dispensational interpretation and correction on the doctrinal confusions or inconsistencies that come from mixing or blended dispensational content together. This post is purely educational. I trust you will either be edified by it, or that it will get you digging into the scriptures to prove that what I say is scripturally true. By no means to I try to appear arrogant or boastful. My motivation is to bring us all into seeking truth that is consistent and contextually correct. God bless.

For convenience, I apply bullets and italics to each comment or statement, and I respond to them below each.

Let's begin...

  • I suggest anyone reading this thread put their faith in Christ and the Apostles over your new revelations. How God shows His approval of his saints is through the working of miracles. This was evident in the Book of Acts. There have been many saints over the last 2000 years who God has used to perform miracles.

In all honesty I must inform that you are operating under the wrong dispensation. Today we walk by faith, not sight, 2Co.5:7. It was the Jews in the prophetic program that required signs in order to believe their prophets and apostles, 1Co.1:22; Joh.4:48. Why, because God made a covenant with them to do signs and wonders before them, Ex.34:10. He did not make this covenant with us. In addition to that, consider truthfully what the real value of signs and miracles are. During Israel’s exodus they witnessed some of the greatest signs ever recorded, like the parting of the Red Sea and so forth. But soon after they forgot all about that spectacle and worshipped a golden calf. The value of these miracles for them appeared to mean nothing! Jesus performed more miracles than what books can contain, Joh.21:25, yet only 120 were in the upper room at Pentecost. What was the value of his miracles in the eyes of those Jews who wanted to crucify him? Nothing. Zero! Miracles might have a temporary hype and be beneficial to a few, but they are quickly forgotten. Today, there is something more perfect than signs. The completed canon of scripture, Col.1:25, which provides us knowledge and insights into God and His plan for humanity and creation. By studying this book, believing it, and applying it to one’s life it more profound, more powerful, and more permanent than any physical and temporary miracles.

Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?

Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?

Yes! But only for a very short period of time.

Paul, blinded by the glory of Jesus Christ on the Damascus Road, was led into Damascus by his companions after his encounter. He spent 3 days without sight and sustenance. Then Ananias prayer for Saul’s sight and Saul was strengthened with food. Straightway after he gained his strength, Saul went to the Jewish synagogue and started to preach that Jesus is the Son of God. See Acts 9:19 in the image.

This is the only time when Paul preached the Kingdom gospel.

How do we know it was the Kingdom gospel? In verse 19 it says that Saul preached that Jesus is the Son of God. This was the key faith condition (and confession) for receiving salvation as per this gospel. A person had to believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah and confess Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.

For confirmation of this, have a look at these examples of people being saved under the Kingdom gospel.

If Peter did not preach Paul's grace gospel, why does he speak of grace, the cross, and of faith and hope in his epistles?

If Peter did not preach Paul's grace gospel, why does he speak of grace, the cross, and of faith and hope in his epistles?


Read 1 Peter 1:10-12, 14-21. Within the first chapter of Peter’s first letter, he speaks of the grace of God that would come to them. Not only did He speak of this, but He also spoke of faith and hope they would have by being in God. He also referred to the cross of Christ when he said his recipients were redeemed with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.

It sounds to me that Peter is preaching the grace gospel since he spoke of the grace that would come to the Jews and the blood of the cross being shed for them which is what Paul preached day to day.

Peter was the apostle to the circumcised and Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, Galatians 2:8. This does not mean the gospels they preached were different, it only means their assignments were different.

Once again, these words were written by the apostle you said never preached the grace gospel of Paul. Please explain.


Your questions are valid. I appreciate you asking. Let me take them one at a time and clarify with my perspective.

In Luke 20 you ask which gospel was Jesus' preaching.

The answer is that He was preaching the only gospel that existed at that time, the gospel of the kingdom that pertains to the Jews. Paul has not yet been saved, so God’s revelations concerning the grace gospel have not yet been made known.

False notions on how to follow Jesus

False notions on how to follow Jesus


To follow the Lord there is more to it than just faith. It takes action to prove our compliance - to become a disciple it’s a requirement to be baptised, fully immersed with water. Think of how Jesus was baptised. Afterwards he set the standard - he said pick up your cross and follow me, meaning surrender your life to Jehovah. He spent his last 3 and a half years preaching and teaching.

He warned his disciples that false Prophets would emerges and teach false doctrine and said that we should avoid them. So, we need to be on the watch because Satan does use contaminated doctrine to delude us.

ANSWER to correct these false notions:

If you read James 1:1, you will see that James addresses his epistle to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad. This is in reference to the 12-tribes of Israel who were scattered, some years earlier due to the persecution initiated by Saul (Paul). Thus, the doctrine of this epistle, and that of all the other epistles from Hebrews onwards, is NOT addressed to, or for application by the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ has its own apostle, Paul, Rom 11:13, and its own doctrine, the 13-epistles of Paul.

It is SAD but also DESTRUCTIVE how people mix doctrines up and get the gospels so confused.

It is SAD but also DESTRUCTIVE how people mix doctrines up and get the gospels so confused.

Below is a comment by someone trying to 'correct' the presentation of the grace gospel. Even if they were well-meaning in their intent, their ignorance is dangerous and can lead people down a path of lies. It is sad that this happens so often today in this world of social media where everyone wants to have their say. Information is rampant and much of it is not in align with the truth that comes plain and clear when one studies the Word of God. To study the Word and get clarity on the rightly divided truth, being able to distinguish between the prophetic and mystery programs, is a rare quality and of great value today. 

What if I believe in The Lord God but not Jesus? Jesus was a messenger. A prophet in my belief.


What if I believe in The Lord God but not Jesus? Jesus was a messenger. A prophet in my belief.


The message and focus of the grace gospel, which is the only gospel by which we can be saved today, proclaims the cross of Christ, see 1Cor 15:1–4. The focus is on what Jesus Christ did for us. It does not focus on His identity, which is of great importance in the Kingdom gospel.

However, I must add that if you are going to believe in the cross work of Christ; that His death is for the forgiveness of our sins, and His resurrection is for our justification before God, then it goes hand in hand that this sinless and utterly righteous life that Jesus lived is proof of His deity.

It’s not really viable to separate His deity from the cross. No man can die for my sins because all men have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. How can a sinner die for my sins??

Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program

Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program.


You speak much about forgiveness, but what about repentance? I checked in the scripture and find most of it in the Gospels, Acts and Revelation, but also one in 2Cor 7:9-10 and another in 2Tim 2:25. So there is not much about repentance in Paul's writing. It looks like repentance for Jews is something they need to do, but for us, we just acknowledge that the body can fall in weakness, but the spirit is willing. Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program. TX.


Thank you for your question.

Let’s define the proper meaning of the word ‘repentance’. It is to have a change of mind that takes action to correct one’s sins or errors after being exposed to truth. Repentance is not about emotions or feelings. It concerns the mind; it concerns making corrective choices to bring wayward thinking and actions back to a conforming of truth.

How does one understand the salvation and destiny of Jews living today?

How does one understand the salvation and destiny of Jews living today?


Are Jews who are living today under the Torah part of the Kingdom program to inherit the earth? What about Messianic Jews who are saved by the grace gospel? How does one understand their salvation and destiny?


In order to answer these questions, we must first understand two very important things:

Number 1

Israel is blinded today, Rom 11:25, and they are not the special people of God (as in the Old Testament and in the Gospels when Jesus was on earth). When God blinded them, He actually disowned them. We find this in Hosea's prophecy,

Hosea 1:9 Then said God, Call his name Loammi: for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God.

Loammi was one of Hosea's children born from a prostitute according to God's will. Loammi represented Israel according to this prophecy. God was using this scenario to show Hosea that He would later abandon Israel due to their unbelief. So, since Acts 7, after Israel killed Stephan, God strated to lift His hand off them and abandon them. Paul's ministry towards the Gentiles was further proof of this blinding. keep this in mind as we progress through this reply.

Who is judged by which gospel?

Who is judged by which gospel?


Is Romans 2:16 only referring to those who denied the Paul's gospel during the dispensation of grace? That is my current understanding of Rom 2:16


Consider the Kingdom gospel. It is based upon the precepts God gave to Israel. It required repentance based on their unbelief and it required water baptism based on the ordinance of washing applied to priests in the Mosaic law. It also required being filled with the Spirit according to the new covenant prophesied in Ezek.36 and Jer.31. So, this gospel had requirements and ordinances specific to Israel and their relationship with God under law.

Now consider Paul's gospel. To be justified by God, it simply required faith in God, and more specifically, faith in His Son. Paul writes,

Is our gospel the same as that which Jesus and the 12-Apostles taught?

Is our gospel the same as that which Jesus and the 12-Apostles taught?

COMMENT (in response to an article teaching that there is more than one gospel):

Readers, please take a few minutes to read Galatians 1:6-12. It plainly says that there is one Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any time more than one Gospel is taught in scripture or by any teacher, by Biblical teachings, it is a different or false interpretation of scripture. Please read Acts 8:36-38, and Acts10:44-47. These Scriptures clearly say Gentiles are being baptized and receiving the Holy Spirit, and there are many more scriptures that describe the same things. Finally read Matthew 28:19-20 The Great Commission: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations (Gentiles) baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are commanded to reprove our teachers by what the scriptures actually say to be certain of the truth of our true Teacher, the Holy Spirit.


I’d like to point out that you conveniently use Paul’s writings to prove only one gospel, but then you send the read back to all the references of the Kingdom gospel which is for Israel, and completely discount all the rest of Paul's writings that clearly define his credentials as the apostle of the Gentiles, and who received a new gospel and mystery doctrine, revealed to him by the risen Christ.

The difference in salvation before and after the cross


Are you saying that how people get saved today is different from the Bible times? Was it different before Christ came or different before he died? Please explain how this ‘other salvation’ before Christ works?

My assertion is that there is no other salvation and there never was. From Genesis to Revelation salvation has always been through faith in the promised Messiah to come and take away our sins and set us free.

Agreed? Yes or no?


Regarding your question on previous gospels:

I agree that every gospel is based on faith. If one does not place faith in believing God’s instructions to be saved, then one will not be saved, irrespective of works or not. Thus, irrespective of gospel, faith is required! However, God’s instructions for salvation did not remain the same over time. What God told Noah did not apply to Abraham. What God told Abraham to do did not apply to Peter, James, and John!

His winnowing fork is in his hand

The following is in response to a post that informs that the grace gospel, concerning the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the ONLY means of salvation today.


John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Jesus is the very one who will baptize everyone with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who will TRANSFORM everyone.

His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” And with many other words John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them. (Gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire means people will go to hell unless people are baptized by the Holy Spirit and TRANSFORM into a new being.)


The response you provide above concerns the day of judgement when Jesus comes back at the end of the Tribulation. Please note that it has nothing to do with the gospel, or salvation.

DM#27: The faith of Christ

Doctrine of the Mysteries #27

The faith of Christ

Paul writes the following in Romans 5 concerning the redeeming work that Christ has secured for those who believe in Him,

Rom 5:18-21  Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.  (19)  For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.  (20)  Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:  (21)  That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

The above verses are just a few in Paul’s writings that confirm the cross work of Christ on behalf of those who believe. This work of Christ provides God, a righteous and just judge, with the ability to justify ungodly men. Who has heard such a thing? Not ever the courts under the wisdom and justice of men justify the ungodly. Paul continues to write,

Christian’s cling to the great deception of 'once saved, always saved'


There’s a problem here, in which Christian’s cling to the great deception of 'once saved, always saved', which is a false teaching, coming from a sense of feeling 'privileged' by reciting a phrase, or attending a ceremony, or doing a ritual. They think they will prevail in saving themselves from hell. The truth is that Christian’s must go through the motions of being 'good' and having 'a sense of duty' to know they are saved! There’s no instant saving formula etched in stone that anyone can point to or jump through the hoops and proclaim. Christ looks at the devices and desires of the heart, which are unknown to everyone on this planet. It’s not like there’s a one-for-all recipe in which you check all the boxes and you're saved! It doesn’t work that way.


My first thought, after reading your comment, is how will anyone know if they have done enough to be saved? When have we done enough work or are righteous enough to deserve God’s grace? The truth is that salvation is not based on feelings or emotions, neither is it based on a sense of duty and motivated by works. No! Salvation is not produced by our effort, goodness, or desires! It is given by God, and we receive it by faith, not fret or feeling.