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Showing posts with label correction. Show all posts

Be vigilant of false teachers and always confirm everything by what the Word actually says

Be vigilant of false teachers and always confirm everything by what the Word actually says

This post contains someone's reaction to the following post:

Sadly, the below reaction is a common event. It illustrates the level of shallowness in Bible study and blatant ignorance of God's Word. It also shows how the pride and presumption of people like this can so easily lead other Christians astray, who are not yet stable in the Word, and who can be tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine, (Eph.4:14).

Please evaluate the statements below and then read my response attentively to observe what the Bible 'really' says about our salvation and standing before God. 

Disputing ignorance with what the Bible really says

Disputing ignorance with what the Bible really says


  • AnyOne Who is.. NOT ... born again of The Holy Spirit... is.. NOT .. Saved -- John 3:3, 5
  • AnyOne Who Doesn't Have the Same Spirit as Jesus...is NOT Saved -- Romans 8:9
  • AnyOne Who Doesn't Carry their cross & Follow Him...is NOT Saved -- Matt 16:24-26 / Mark 8:34 37 / Luke 9:23-25
  • AnyOne Who is.. NOT...Led by the Holy Spirit is..NOT Saved -- Romans 8:14
  • AnyOne Who Doesn't Know my Fathers Will for their Life...is NOT SAVED -- Matt 7:21
  • ---->>> Ephesians 5:18 --- Be FILLED... with the HOLY SPIRIT...
  • AnyOne Who Doesn't Obey Jesus...is NOT SAVED -- Hebrews 5:9
  • AnyOne Who Doesn't Know His Voice & Follow Him...is NOT SAVED -- John 10:27


The above commentary is fairly typical of people out there who respond to doctrine and bible studies through arrogance and immaturity. They are the 'know-it-alls' who themselves have closed their hearts and minds to sound instruction and correction. Beware of the advice and vanity they post. Always compare scripture with scripture and ensure you have scriptural proof of any comments and opinions before taking it to heart and setting your faith upon it.