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Online Bible Study

  You are welcome to join our
Online Bible Study (OBS)

We host a weekly online bible study in the afternoon or evening.
(South Africa Time:UTC+02:00)

Our weekly studies focus on topics that promote and encourage a dispensational learning experience of the Bible as per our motto, 

"Understanding the Word in the context of 
God's progressive PLAN of redemption."

Connect to the Online Bible Study Sessions

(All times represented in South Africa Time: UTC+02:00)

Online Bible Study

Important note regarding joining the meetings:
The join link below is connected to a SharePoint account. In order to connect to the meeting I will need to add your email address to a list that provides permissions to log into the SharePoint account. If this is your first time joining, please email me at rudi.steenhuis@gmail.com and inform me that you are interested to attend the meetings.
Your email address will not be used for any other purpose!

Click this link below a few minutes before the meeting time
< Join the Bible Study Meeting >
then on the next screen, choose the second option that says: "Continue on this browser"

Meeting Date:
Our Bible Study has ended for the year.
We will resume (God willing) in Feb. 2025.

Videos of Past Lessons

 Videos of Past Lessons
If you have missed out on past lessons (or for other topics of interest), you can catch up via our YouTube channel where I will upload recordings covered in our Bible Study sessions and other topics of interest.