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Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts

Romans 8:1-4: No condemnation

Romans 8:1-4 KJV - No condemnation

Romans 8:1-4 KJV

[1]  There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

[2]  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

[3]  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

[4]  That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.


The word ‘therefore’ indicates that what is about to be written is based on something that preceded it. Thus, to fully understand what Paul is about to say about ‘no condemnation’, one must be aware of what was discussed before this statement. The ‘no condemnation’ is applicable only to those who are ‘in Christ’, and ‘who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit’. Thus, to determine what is meant by ‘in Christ’, we must have knowledge of Romans 1 to 5 concerning justification, which seals us ‘in Christ’, and we must have knowledge of Romans 6 to 7 concerning sanctification, which teaches us how to walk after the Spirit. Simply put, if you do not have a knowledge and understanding of Romans 1 to 7, this verse will be void of truth and value in your life. When you come to the word ‘therefore’, it is an important indicator to make sure you are well versed with the information that precedes that statement.

No condemnation

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #5)

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #5)

This post is written for the sole purpose of illustrating the ignorance of sound doctrine on social media these days. My aim is to emphasize the absolute necessity of studying the Bible for oneself and seeking answers from the source instead of relying on imaginations or opinions given by people, who may be sincere, but are as ignorant as the one who asked the question to start with. 

So, let's begin by stating the question that was asked in the beginning of a social media thread,

QUESTION: "How can Christians catch the Spirit?"

Below is another answer that was supplied to this question on social media. The person might be sincere in their reply, but sincerity can still be wrong and misleading, as is the case with this answer which misinterprets the proper context of scripture. I add comments as to why the answer is wrong and what the Word of God actually says about it.

False Imagination #5

The gift of the Holy Ghost is promised by God if you obey Him according to Acts 2:38-39, which says, “Repent everyone of you and be baptized in the name of JESUS for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. For this is for you and your children and to all that are a far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

My comments:

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

Understanding the Context of our Dispensation and Hebrews (Video)

This video is a snipping of the first 15-min of the source video from Paul Lucas. 


The reason for posting this short clip is because what Paul talks about in the first 15-min informs one very nicely of the context of our dispensation in relation to God's full redemption plan, including that of Israel. I wanted to bring to your attention why it is so important that we learn to rightly divide the word of truth, in order to understand and interpret the Bible correctly and in context.

I also encourage you to click on the link below and watch the entire video for a more detailed insight into the book of Hebrews, and how we should be interpreting this book in the context of Israel's program.

Interpreting the Bible is of critical importance to grow up in our faith and in the knowledge of God and His redemption plan. The Word of God needs to be correctly understood, in a dispensational context, rightly dividing between grace and mystery and law and prophecy, 2Tim.2:15.

Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx6HVVUulnA

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #4)

People's imaginations concerning 'receiving the Holy Spirit' (Example #4)

This post is written for the sole purpose of illustrating the ignorance of sound doctrine on social media these days. My aim is to emphasize the absolute necessity of studying the Bible for oneself and seeking answers from the source instead of relying on imaginations or opinions given by people, who may be sincere, but are as ignorant as the one who asked the question to start with. 

So, let's begin by stating the question that was asked in the beginning of a social media thread,

QUESTION: "How can Christians catch the Spirit?"

Below is the fourth of a few answers that were supplied to this question on social media. They appear to be sincere but are unfortunately completely false or have parts that are from the imaginations of men who have not sought out the truth in the Word of God. I add comments as to why the answer is wrong and what the Word of God actually says about it.

False Imagination #4

Christians can get the Holy Spirit by letting the love of God shine in their life each day. Love is key. Show love to everyone and the spirit of God will dwell in you!

My comments:

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 12 - Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 12 - Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?)

2Cor.6:11-13  O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged.  (12)  Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels.  (13)  Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged.

In the passage above, Paul is urging the Corinthians to be more open and receptive to his message. He expresses his affection and fatherhood towards them, desiring to bless and educate them, but points out that their hearts are closed and restricting them from fully receiving his teachings. Paul emphasizes that the restriction is not from his side but from their own hearts and attitude, and he encourages them to open up and respond to the love and openness he has shown, so that he can speak to them without limitations and have them receive the truth he could provide.

We have come to a point in Romans where this same open heartedness and faith is necessary to fully benefit from what Paul is going to teach us. We are about to step up in spirit. We are about to go into deeper spiritual truth. We are going to start receiving information that requires our obedience and our commitment if we are to advance in our Christian walk and in our faith. Is your heart enlarged? Make sure that in no way are you restricted in your reception of the inspired truth that Paul is about to give.

Abounding grace

We have spent time in Romans 1 to 5 concerning justification, the first part of salvation, and utterly saturated in God’s grace. If it were not for God’s grace, and the work of Christ done through grace, we as believers, would have no chance to be recipients of salvation. All the way through Romans 1 to 5, Paul has mentioned the grace of God in the gospel of His Son and our absolute dependency upon it. As a reminder, here are the verses concerning ‘grace’ in Romans 5,

Be careful of bad understanding and bad advice concerning our grace doctrine

Be careful of bad understanding and bad advice concerning our grace doctrine

The following post is in response to a comment made on one of my posts in this lesson series concerning the process of salvation. A comment like this is a good illustration of the lack of good biblical knowledge and understanding concerning our grace doctrine today. These types of comments, although they have a measure of truth, are also harmful, as they can make people ignorant of truth and rob them of knowledge and inheritance. 

In my reply, I will prove that there is more to salvation than just what this comment suggests. If you truly believe that the Bible is God’s words and instruction to us, and if you truly believe that God has done much more for you through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ than ‘just saving you from hell’, then I appeal to you to read my rely and go and do a study on Romans and Ephesians that clearly shows the value and greater truth of salvation than just the first step of escaping the flames. God has SO MUCH MORE for you if you simply turn to His word, read it, and believe it.

Social media comment on one of my posts:


My response to the above comment:

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 3 - God's Wrath, Righteousness, and Love)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 3 - God's Wrath, Righteousness, and Love)

Paul starts his exposition of the grace gospel with reference to the wrath of God in Rom.1:18,

Rom.1:18-19  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;  (19)  Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

Why does Paul do this? Isn't the gospel supposed to be 'good news'? What is so good about knowing about God's wrath? Well, this question has two answers,

  1. God's wrath cannot and shouldn't be ignored. It is a true and very important fact to know.
  2. God's wrath brings value to the sacrifice of Christ, and confirmation of His great love for us.

If one had to share the gospel with someone, they'd only have half the gospel if you only shared the cross, the resurrection, and God's love. These aspects are emphasized by the fact that God despises and cannot tolerate sin, and the fact that we are sinners, qualifies us utterly to be the recipients of His righteous and horrific wrath. As utterly loving and forgiving God is towards us, we can expect no less than His utter vengeance and righteous wrath upon us for our rebellion. 

Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth

Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth

2Thess.2:13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Salvation is more than just God forgiving you your sins. Don't get me wrong. Forgiveness of sins is the first step in our salvation, but it's not only that. The salvation that Paul is referring to in the verse above, is more than just forgiveness of sins. There appears to be more information here than what many believers actually know about. What does it mean that it comes through sanctification of the Spirit.

People still remain confused or very negligent about this. Paul said in Ephesians, “Be ye filled with the Spirit.” Look at that statement carefully. That is your command and your responsibility, not God’s. God has already given us His Spirit. In 1Thess.4:8, Paul writes, “Who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit.” God has already given us His Spirit and tells us to be filled with the Spirit. This means that we need to act upon it. OK. But how? By getting into the written Word. The Word of God is Spirit and life, Jn.6:63. If we want to get the Spirit into us and be filled with it, we must partake of the Word of God. Unfortunately, this is not a priority for many. People don’t want to gather where the Bible is being taught. They don’t want to gather where doctrine is being presented. They don’t want to read their Bible at home, and then they wonder why they 'feel' so far from God, and they pray, “God, fill me with Your Spirit.” But it does not work that way! Our doctrine tells us how to be filled with the Spirit, and it's not at the church alter, nor by the laying on of hands, nor by various activities that make us feel good. The only place to find the Spirit and get filled by it is in the written Word.

Q&A Concerning Rightly Dividing and Jesus versus Paul

Q&A Concerning Rightly Dividing and Jesus versus Paul

QUESTION (on social media):

Why do people say "You don't have to obey Jesus because Paul said we are saved by grace?" Jesus said whoever doesn't obey his words, is building on sand. (Matthew 7:24-27) Paul was for Jesus.


ALL the words that Jesus spoke are spirit and life, Jn.6:63, but we must take note to WHOM Jesus spoke. In his earthly ministry, Jesus spoke to the Jews. His entire earthly ministry was directed to his people to save them so that Israel could be a light to the Gentiles, as prophecy describes. Jesus himself says the following,

Mat_15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (See also Matt.10:5–6)

Rejection of the authority and ministry of the Apostle Paul

Educating you through comparing false doctrines and unbelief with truth and faith

It is heart-wrenching to see the lack of knowledge and understanding of God's Word. The New Testament is short enough to be read over a few days, and its content is not difficult to understand. The problem is that people are either so brainwashed in bad teachings or so rigid in the doctrines they have been exposed to that they refuse to see the truth that is so plainly set out before them, or they claim to be believers but do not really believe that the Bible is God's words. If one does not TRULY believe that the Bible is God's words, then twisting them, adding to them, or scrapping parts of the scripture to make it say what one wants is the order of the day.

It is my heartfelt pray that people will come back to believing that the King James Bible is TRULY God's words and that is they simply read the book without preconceived notions or prejudice, but rather with humility and with a heart that wants to hear what God says, then they will come to see the truth and discover the glories, the wonders, and the majesty in the Word of God.

The following is documented for your learning. There are many who are still in darkness of the truth and do not even know it. Please recognize the false doctrines they proclaim; learn what language they speak and educate yourself to avoid falling into these traps. 

Two wrongs don't make a right

Two wrongs do not make a right!

I don't particularly like to disagree with comments, but it was necessary in this regard as it could lead people down two wrong roads.

The following comment is a reaction to this post:


First, forget the King James. New International Version is best now. Nobody knows how to read the Bible. If you are born again, the Holy Spirit often shows you things by giving you understanding. Also, don’t read it front to back. First read the Gospels. Next read James, Peter 1 and 2, and Acts. This will save your eternal life.


Thank you for your comment. I always appreciate subsequent communication as it generates additional learning material for readers, as well as allows us to learn from each other.

Righteousness and Life of Christ functional in us. (Dead to sin and delivered from the law)

Righteousness and Life of Christ functional in us. (Dead to sin and delivered from the law)

God put you under grace not so that Adam’s sin and death could continue to reign in you. He put you under grace so that the righteousness and life of His Son could work in you to produce fruit unto holiness for Him. This message provides a clear and understandable presentation of how grace works in us, and how to correctly understand the foundational concepts of Romans 6 and 7. 

I encourage you to listen to this video and learn some valuable insights of how grace changes us.

Righteousness and Life of Christ functional in us. (Dead to sin and delivered from the law)

If you choose to ignore Paul, you ignore the entire doctrine for the Body of Christ


Jesus preached repentance and baptism and powerful values in the Sermon on the Mount, and he trained up his 12 disciples to do the same. Paul WAS NOT one of the 12 Apostles, nor was he the successor of Judas. Paul's teachings contradict Jesus. If you study the 4 Gospels, then read any of Paul’s epistles, you will be utterly confused. Paul was a believer, just like we are believers. We should not be taking Paul’s words and placing them on an equal level with Jesus’ words.


I agree that Paul was not one of the 12, nor did he replace Judas. I do however acknowledge that Paul was called as an apostle by the Lord Himself for a unique and important ministry, not to Israel, as the 12 were, but to the Gentiles. This is why his epistles contain different information; because the information is a whole NEW doctrine designed for a new people group, and for a new purpose in God’s redemption plan, 2Cor.5:15-21.

Please give two examples of what Apostle Paul said that contradicted Jesus Christ.


Please give two examples of what Apostle Paul said that contradicted Jesus Christ.


Jesus ministered the Kingdom doctrine and Paul ministered the Grace doctrine. Both these doctrines are complementary to each other in God’s greater redemption plan, but in comparing these doctrines with each other, it is here where we find contradictions, simply because the doctrine of each dispensation differs according to God’s design.

I have so many differences that I am finding it difficult to choose which ones to give you.  Let me list these three from 100’s I have.

Conditional instructions versus grace

Conditional instructions versus grace


The Bible is clear that we must confess our sins. Please read 1st John 1:9 which says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sin …".


The verse you reference in 1 John is applicable to the believers that live during a different dispensation. It is not the dispensation you and I live in today. So, although we can learn from what John writes, concerning their doctrine and life, it is not something that applies to us today. I can validate what I say by pointing you to the very nature of the words used by John in the verse you quote. Let’s compare:

Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?

Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?

Yes! But only for a very short period of time.

Paul, blinded by the glory of Jesus Christ on the Damascus Road, was led into Damascus by his companions after his encounter. He spent 3 days without sight and sustenance. Then Ananias prayer for Saul’s sight and Saul was strengthened with food. Straightway after he gained his strength, Saul went to the Jewish synagogue and started to preach that Jesus is the Son of God. See Acts 9:19 in the image.

This is the only time when Paul preached the Kingdom gospel.

How do we know it was the Kingdom gospel? In verse 19 it says that Saul preached that Jesus is the Son of God. This was the key faith condition (and confession) for receiving salvation as per this gospel. A person had to believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah and confess Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.

For confirmation of this, have a look at these examples of people being saved under the Kingdom gospel.

What is the role of good works in salvation according to the New Testament?

What is the role of good works in salvation according to the New Testament?

This is a great question! There are many who are so confused regarding good works and salvation in the New Testament. Let’s get into the Bible and find out exactly how good works and salvation should work together.

We must first start by recognizing that there are two dispensations in the New Testament. Simply read the book of Acts, where the apostle Luke leads us out of the Kingdom dispensation under Jesus and the 12-apostles and into the grace dispensation under the apostle Paul. I mention this because it is vitally important to understand that salvation and the context of good works both change between the two dispensations. 


In the Kingdom program, good works were necessary to prove one’s faith for salvation. Read James 2:17-26 to get an understanding that salvation depended upon the works that demonstrated one’s faith confession in the identity of Christ. Salvation began with a confession of Christ as in these examples,

The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.

The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.


If the bible is to be understood verbatim there should be no need to keep ‘interpreting’ it to make the end result fit the reality you want it to be. If it can’t be understood verbatim then perhaps the logical answer is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales. People have literally written billions of interpretations of what they think the Bible ‘means’. That alone should be enough to question the veracity of this collection of fables and the illogical reasoning of some invisible being out there in Neverland.


The Bible is designed to interpret itself. Proper teaching of the Bible is to use references from other parts of the Bible to validate the parts one studies. The Bible tells us that prophecy cannot be understood by man's private interpretation, 2Pet 1:20. Thus, it is bad teachers who twist the Bible and try to force it to say what they want. The Bible (KJV) stands alone and is its own interpreter, and this is possible because God has preserved His Word above His name, Ps 138:2. Until you choose to believe it, it will not show you light. It is designed to hide the truth from those who are not spiritually discerned, 1Cor 2:10-14.

(Part 2) Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul

Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul (Part 2)

See Part 1 here

Question #1

  • In regard to Matthew 25:31–46, you assign that as before the 1000-year reign starts, but what about at the end of the 1000-year reign when for a small season, the devil will be released from the pit for a last rebellion? You do not think that reference may apply to that time as that would be when the Great White Throne Judgment is at when all the dead are raised up and judged by their works.

Matthew 25 does not reference the time that Jesus refers to as the Sheep and Goats judgement. This judgement is specifically enforced to determine which Gentiles will enter the Millennial kingdom. Without this judgement, no Gentiles will exist in the kingdom, which does not line up with prophecy which tells that the Jews will be the preeminent nation in the kingdom and that the Gentile nations will seek the counsel of the Jews and abide by the law administered by the Jews as the kings and priests in the kingdom.

As you rightly identify, the release of Satan will deceive many at the end of the Millennial reign and both Satan and those deceived will be quickly ended when God sends down fire from heaven. Both Satan’s captivity in the pit, and the Sheep and Goats judgement occur before the beginning of the 1000-years.

(Part 1) Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul

Various questions concerning the difference between the ministries and doctrine of Peter and Paul (Part 1)

Question #1

  • So, is Peter & the 11 were really preaching an earthly kingdom when Jesus wasn’t here?

The statement Jesus used in Lk.17:20 in answering the Pharisees is that the kingdom of God was ‘within’ Israel, or ‘amongst’ them at that moment. To those who could discern it, the King was there in their midst. At this time, during Jesus earthly ministry, the kingdom would not come in a physical way, as it would come at His second coming, and demand the attention of the world. The first advent of Jesus was not yet to physically save Israel, but rather to prophetically announce and prepare Israel for the imminency of the Kingdom and ratify the New Covenant. It was a work of faith.

After Jesus ascended, the early Acts church continued the work that Jesus started; to preach and prepare Israel for the imminency of their Kingdom. The physical kingdom had not yet arrived, but they were fully expecting it when Jesus came back. See Acts 1:6.

Question #2

  • Below in regard to Matthew 25:34 in context, this reads like the event of the Great white Throne Judgment, because of verse 40 in relation to verse 31.

Matthew 25:31-46 is not the Great White throne judgement. This White throne judgement occurs after the 1000-year (Millennial) Kingdom of Christs rule. The judgement in Matt.25 is the “Sheep and Goats” judgement which is upon the Gentiles at the end of the 7-year Tribulation. After Jesus has destroyed the armies of the Antichrist in Armageddon, this judgement occurs to determine who of the Gentiles will enter the Millennial Kingdom. This Gentiles who supported Israel (Jews) during the tribulation would find justification to enter the Kingdom. Conversely, those Gentiles who did not support Israel in the tribulation would be cast into the fire. The description of support for Israel that Jesus uses in this passage is clear.