Educating you through comparing false doctrines and unbelief with truth and faith
It is heart-wrenching to see the lack of knowledge and understanding of God's Word. The New Testament is short enough to be read over a few days, and its content is not difficult to understand. The problem is that people are either so brainwashed in bad teachings or so rigid in the doctrines they have been exposed to that they refuse to see the truth that is so plainly set out before them, or they claim to be believers but do not really believe that the Bible is God's words. If one does not TRULY believe that the Bible is God's words, then twisting them, adding to them, or scrapping parts of the scripture to make it say what one wants is the order of the day.
It is my heartfelt pray that people will come back to believing that the King James Bible is TRULY God's words and that is they simply read the book without preconceived notions or prejudice, but rather with humility and with a heart that wants to hear what God says, then they will come to see the truth and discover the glories, the wonders, and the majesty in the Word of God.
The following is documented for your learning. There are many who are still in darkness of the truth and do not even know it. Please recognize the false doctrines they proclaim; learn what language they speak and educate yourself to avoid falling into these traps.