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Showing posts with label scriptures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scriptures. Show all posts

How do I know if a Bible verse or passage applies to me today?

How do I know if a Bible verse or passage applies to me today?


Is 1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭16‬ trans-dispensational?


Before we evaluate the requested passage, let me first explain the term ‘trans-dispensational” and then provide a few examples of verses that are trans-dispensational and compare them with others that are not. I aim to provide some insights into how we can determine one from the other.

The term "trans-dispensational" refers to a concept that transcends the different dispensations, or periods of time, throughout bible history. Dispensationalism is a framework for interpreting the Bible that sees God's work and purpose as being carried out in different ways during different ages. A trans-dispensational verse, therefore, would be one that holds true and is applicable across all these dispensations, reflecting a principle or truth that is consistent throughout the entirety of Scripture, regardless of the specific time period or dispensation it addresses.

With this understanding, let’s now have a look at some verse examples and see if we can pick up some trends or insights into how to identify trans-dispensational verses from those that are not.

Studying Scripture by Application of Right Division (2Cor 5:16)

Studying Scripture by Application of Right Division (2Cor 5:16)

When a person takes time to study the Bible, that study will ultimately result in the need to rightly divide, (2Tim 2:15). This cannot be avoided! As one cross-references scripture, it will lead one into both the prophetic and mystery programs, according to the intent and design of God’s written Word. Right division is the only way to accurately interpret scripture by keeping these two programs separate and distinct. Let’s apply this instruction on the key verse below to understand its true context.

2Cor 5:16  Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. 17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Yet now henceforth know we him no more

Yet now henceforth know we him no more

Paul writes to the Corinthians and says a startling thing in 2 Cor.5:16. He tells those in the church at Corinth that they should not know man after the flesh, and even though they knew Jesus in the flesh (at that time), they should know Him no more (in the flesh). I emphasize (in the flesh) because this is how we must understand Paul's statement. Paul is not saying we do not recognize Jesus' ministry, but he is saying we do not follow after the teachings and practices that Jesus taught in His earthly ministry, which were specific to Israel’s Kingdom program. Why?

The Word of God is God's Words

The Word of God is God's Words

The very words we read in the Bible, were put there, not by the creativity of man, not by his interpretation of spiritual things, and not by his wisdom, but by the very direction and purpose of God Himself.

Q-A: The Bible - Why isn't all Scripture written TO You?

Q-A: The Bible - Why isn't all Scripture written TO You?

I often use the phrase, "All Scripture is written FOR you, but not all Scripture is written TO you", and this generally provokes a response of astonishment, if not a stronger aversion from the person. It does not however surprise me as there are not many who understand the Word rightly divided. So, lets delve into this phrase and explain it clearly and concisely.