Q-A: The Bible - Why isn't all Scripture written TO You?

In the same way, the bible is a book written oven a period of 1300 years by more than 40 authors (though God is the one TRUE Author) and directed to many different persons over many periods of time. You would be quite self-centered if you thought that ALL of the bible is addressed to you and is about you. Similarly, a newspaper contains a lot of information, but most people only read certain sections of interest. You have news, politics, sport, entertainment and many other articles that cater to the specific needs and interests of many persons.
An important thing to know about the bible is that God has divided up His Word to provide fundamental information to different groups of people. God identified the Jews (Israel) as His special people and provided them with the law (information to separate, guide and sustain them) for His purpose (see Ex.19:5-6, Gal.4:4). During the Old Testament and through the Gospels, God intended to use Israel as a vehicle to bless the Gentiles, but because of their unbelief and stubbornness, they were blinded (Rom.11:7-8, 2 Cor.3:14).
At this point, God raised up Paul and provided him with a whole new gospel and doctrine (a set of mysteries that were never revealed in the rest of the bible, (1 Cor.2:7). It is this doctrine that belongs to you and I today. It is a doctrine that is different and separate from the law and covenants given to Israel. Our doctrine is based on grace and liberty in the Spirit and is not bound by works.
So, if I get back to my opening statement, can you now see that we can learn from ALL scripture, but we cannot assume for a moment that all scripture is written TO us, (Gal.5:1-4). It is our duty to rightly divide the Word, to study it according to what belongs to us, to adopt it's instruction and to make it our own. As for the rest of scripture, praise the LORD for it, as we can learn about God, about His greatness and holiness, we can learn of His faithfulness and we can learn of His incredible salvation PLAN to rescue us and fill his whole creation, heaven and earth, with the glory of His Son through his two programs (the STARS and the SAND, Gen 22:17).
This blog is all about revealing the Word rightly divided (2 Tim 2:15) and ensuring you learn and apply to your life that which is written for you.

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