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Showing posts with label workmanship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workmanship. Show all posts

What is the explanation on Ephesian 2:10?

What is the explanation on Ephesian 2:10?

This is the verse you reference: 

Eph.2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

There are three key points in this verse: God’s workmanship, good works, and before ordained that we should walk in them. Let me clarify each of these three statements to fully explain this verse.

God’s workmanship 

When we hear and respond in faith to the grace gospel, we are redeemed back to God through the payment (sacrifice) of Jesus Christ. Our regeneration and redemption translate us from the kingdom of darkness into God’s kingdom, Col.1:13, and exposes us to righteousness through His spirit and word, Rom.5:21; Rom.6:11; 1Co 2:11-12.

It is this very exposure to God’s spirit and word that begins His workmanship within us. It is HIS workmanship, not ours. Let me make this clear by reminding you of a seed planted in the ground. You can water the seed, but it is outside of your power to make it grow. Similarly, the growth and transformation within a believer is God working in them, through His written word, to will and do according to His good pleasure. The good works that are produced in the life of a believer is a result of this transformation. A believer cannot generate these works by willpower. They are the result of the spiritual fruits that increase in a believer as they grow in knowledge of the word of God, and exercise obedience unto righteousness from a renewed mind, Rom.6:16-17; Rom.12:1-2.