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Showing posts with label foundational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foundational. Show all posts

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 1- Intro)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 1)

A while back, after a bible study session, a friend of mine asked me to teach a series of lessons on, “the process of salvation”. We had just finished a series of teachings dealing with the judgement seat of Christ, so I thought the request was a bit surprising, since he was an established Christian, but I have also never hesitated or questioned this topic, as I believe that there can be no more important subject and information than to know salvation, and to know what it means, and to know what happens to one in the process of receiving it and growing in it.

Thus, this post, and a few subsequent ones, will be digging into the topic, from the epistle of Romans, and seeking out to understand its truth and effects on the human heart and mind. Now, before you all think this is a basic topic concerning the cross of Christ, which every Christian thinks they know, I want to inform you ‘off the bat’ that this topic is far deeper than the average Christian realizes. Salvation is a VERY broad term and involves a LOT more than what Christians know. Romans may be the foundational epistle in the curriculum of Paul's 9-church epistles, but foundational does not mean the information stops at being basic. Romans contains the words of God, and we all know that God is infinitely wise. There are depths to this topic that continually surface as one studies it more and more.

How do I know if a Bible verse or passage applies to me today?

How do I know if a Bible verse or passage applies to me today?


Is 1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭16‬ trans-dispensational?


Before we evaluate the requested passage, let me first explain the term ‘trans-dispensational” and then provide a few examples of verses that are trans-dispensational and compare them with others that are not. I aim to provide some insights into how we can determine one from the other.

The term "trans-dispensational" refers to a concept that transcends the different dispensations, or periods of time, throughout bible history. Dispensationalism is a framework for interpreting the Bible that sees God's work and purpose as being carried out in different ways during different ages. A trans-dispensational verse, therefore, would be one that holds true and is applicable across all these dispensations, reflecting a principle or truth that is consistent throughout the entirety of Scripture, regardless of the specific time period or dispensation it addresses.

With this understanding, let’s now have a look at some verse examples and see if we can pick up some trends or insights into how to identify trans-dispensational verses from those that are not.