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Showing posts with label reasoning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reasoning. Show all posts

Exercising choices according to knowledge of God's word in us

Exercising choices according to knowledge of God's word in us

1Tim.2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; [4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Many people ask daily what God's will for them is, whether it be for the day, for certain events, or for their life. God has already revealed his will in his word. He wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. It's really as simple as that. If you are saved, God desires that you get into his word and study it so that you can grow in knowledge of it. The word of God fills you with his Spirit (Jn.6:63) and will bring you to a deeper understanding of his will, his ways, his judgements, and his great plan of redemption for all of creation.

But what about my questions, like should I take that job, or should I marry that person, or should I invest that money? Well, as you grow in faith and mature in God's word, you will start to make your own decisions as you grow in understanding and judgement. The word of God gives you wisdom and embeds in you the reasoning and judgements of God so that you can make your own choices in the issues of life. Children need adults to reason, judge, and decide for them, but as we mature in spirit and become more like the image of Jesus Christ, like sons, we can start to make judgements and reasoning for ourselves. God wants us to grow up and he desires us to make our own choices based on our knowledge of him and his ways.

The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.

The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.


If the bible is to be understood verbatim there should be no need to keep ‘interpreting’ it to make the end result fit the reality you want it to be. If it can’t be understood verbatim then perhaps the logical answer is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales. People have literally written billions of interpretations of what they think the Bible ‘means’. That alone should be enough to question the veracity of this collection of fables and the illogical reasoning of some invisible being out there in Neverland.


The Bible is designed to interpret itself. Proper teaching of the Bible is to use references from other parts of the Bible to validate the parts one studies. The Bible tells us that prophecy cannot be understood by man's private interpretation, 2Pet 1:20. Thus, it is bad teachers who twist the Bible and try to force it to say what they want. The Bible (KJV) stands alone and is its own interpreter, and this is possible because God has preserved His Word above His name, Ps 138:2. Until you choose to believe it, it will not show you light. It is designed to hide the truth from those who are not spiritually discerned, 1Cor 2:10-14.