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The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.

The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.


If the bible is to be understood verbatim there should be no need to keep ‘interpreting’ it to make the end result fit the reality you want it to be. If it can’t be understood verbatim then perhaps the logical answer is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales. People have literally written billions of interpretations of what they think the Bible ‘means’. That alone should be enough to question the veracity of this collection of fables and the illogical reasoning of some invisible being out there in Neverland.


The Bible is designed to interpret itself. Proper teaching of the Bible is to use references from other parts of the Bible to validate the parts one studies. The Bible tells us that prophecy cannot be understood by man's private interpretation, 2Pet 1:20. Thus, it is bad teachers who twist the Bible and try to force it to say what they want. The Bible (KJV) stands alone and is its own interpreter, and this is possible because God has preserved His Word above His name, Ps 138:2. Until you choose to believe it, it will not show you light. It is designed to hide the truth from those who are not spiritually discerned, 1Cor 2:10-14.

If I were proving my point from an actual fairytale book, I’d agree with you 100%. I’d have a beer with you and laugh at life. But since you think the Word of God is a fairytale, how in the world can I take your comment seriously.

What I find more intriguing is the fact that you are browsing around on Bible blogs in the first place. Typically, humans consider it a waste of time to peruse in places or topics which they don’t believe in or can care less about. You, being here, is valid proof that there is something living, and ‘magnetic’, and liberating about the Word of God?

No human can deny God and His existence because God has revealed Himself to every soul. The person who denies God is a fool, Ps 14:1, because he simply lies to himself. Consider that the only means to be saved is to respond to the truth that God reveals to one’s heart. Every person in existence has moments where this truth nudges at their soul. These are the moments God creates by His grace to confirm His word. A beautiful example of this is Lydia, in Acts 16 :14, where she attended to the things Paul spoke and the Lord opened her heart. One can either reject these moments or choose to believe them. If one rejects it, that truth ceases. If one acknowledges and responds to it, it generates the faith to believe in His Word, the gospel, and to connect with God. So, back to the point that every person has moments of faith to know that God exists. Paul explicitly tells us this in Romans,

Rom 1:18-21  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;  (19)  Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.  (20)  For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:  (21)  Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Notice these explicit statements, “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.” and “so that they are without excuse:” and “because that, when they knew God, …”. The ‘handbook’ of life, written by our Maker, speaks so plainly and clearly. There is no way around this. Thus, any people who continue to deny God are choosing to believe lies and choosing to remain in the dark.

People in this position will naturally dismiss this, but as with so many others before them, it simply reveals that deep in their soul, they know the words in this Book are true. Why do you think they are constantly seeking out sites where people talk about the Bible and of God. It actually brings them a measure of comfort and peace, even though they allow the lies they submit to, to continue to influence them. How do I know this? Because I’ve been there too in my past!!

God’s grace is available today. His salvation and peace are available TODAY. Do not despise the goodness and patience of God which He offers. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow could be too late. It's a choice that affects one’s eternity and I would not take it lightly.

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