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Showing posts with label hinderance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hinderance. Show all posts

How do we effectively serve God and live for Him

How do we effectively serve God and live for Him

The biggest hinderance in your life regarding serving and living for God is not your flesh. Your flesh is not the obstacle that hinders you from serving God. Neither is it sin. Neither is it your will, your procrastination, your weakness, habits, or commitments. How about getting prayed for? How about alter calls to be filled with the Holy Spirit? How about fasting and other spiritual activities? No. No, and no! So, what then is the greatest hinderance to serving God? It is unbelief and negligence of the written Word of God. You don’t need more willpower, or to do better, or try harder tomorrow. You need to get into the Bible and start believing it!

You see, ignorance is unbelief. The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God”. Thus, you don’t have to hear the word of God, and then choose to ignore it, to be in unbelief. Unbelief, through ignorance, is already upon you by simply not hearing the word. Paul says, “I obtained mercy because I did in ignorantly, in unbelief”. Ignorance and unbelief are connected. To elaborate on this, also consider the following. In Romans 14, Paul writes about being weak in the faith or strong in the faith. The state of your faith is connected to knowledge. Why cannot the ‘weak brother’ eat meat that was offered in the idol’s temple? Because when he goes to eat the meat, he is eating with the knowledge that that idol was a god. He is weak in the faith! He is ignorant of the knowledge of the truth in God’s word. Knowledge and faith go hand in hand just as much as ignorance and unbelief go together. Faith is not subject to you, to your thoughts, your emotions, or your understanding of life and truth. Faith is defined and established in the written word of God and is subject to that truth only.

So, to step up to the next level in serving and living for God, you need to stop ignoring and neglecting the written word of God. You need to hear the word of God. You need to read it and get it into you. You need to understand its doctrine and adhere to that which is written and addressed to you in this dispensation of grace. Nothing else but the knowledge of the written word is what will stablish you in the faith and in godly service to God. Amen.