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Showing posts with label salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salvation. Show all posts

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 16 of 16 - There is therefore now no condemnation)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 16 of 16 - There is therefore now no condemnation)

Brief summary of sanctification

Due to the holidays, there has been a long break between this new post and the previous post in this series. It is fitting therefore to briefly recap the key points from this study before I wrap up with Romans chapter 8.

If you have followed this study, you may recall that Romans 1 to 4 deals with the concepts of justification, a free gift of God to those who choose to believe in the cross work of Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation. Paul then writes a transitional chapter, Romans 5, that rounds off justification and starts to introduce sanctification, the second part of a believer’s full salvation experience. 

The primary purpose of this study is to inform believers of sanctification which is either ignored, or neglected, due to poor spiritual teachings in the modern church. Salvation does not stop at justification. Though justification saves our souls unto eternal life, sanctification is a continuation of salvation that transforms us into living sacrifices for God’s purpose while we occupy this life, Rom.12:1-2, but also saves us from loss, 1Cor.3:15, and towards the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Phil.3:14, in the ages to come: which is a measure of the glory of Christ, Rom.8:18; 1Cor.15:41; 2Cor.3:9; 2Cor.4:17; Eph.1:18; Col.1:27; 1Th.2:12; 2Th.2:14.

Paul elaborates on the concept of sanctification in Romans 6 and 7. I refer to the contents of these two chapters as the definition, or two pillars, of sanctification, which involve the knowledge of being dead to sin and being delivered from the law.

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 15 - With the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 15 - With the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin)

Another Law in my Members

Rom 7:5  For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.  (6)  But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

The motions of sin which exist in the flesh, strengthened by the knowledge of the law, work in our fleshly members to bring forth fruit unto death. This is not eternal death, since justification saves us from the wrath of God and hell, but it is a functional death, meaning that we are unprofitable to God, incapable of being used by Him as an instrument of righteousness. 

On the other hand, if the second pillar of sanctification, (deliverance of the law), stands strong and sure in us, then we are married to a different husband, to Christ, and we operate under a different set of principles; not those of law, but those of grace. Actually, Paul says in Rom.7:4 that, “ye should be married to another”. The word ‘should’, is an actionable word, meaning that we could stand idle and remain widowed (unmarried), and exist in that state relying only on our justification, or we could set about to seek another husband and marry him, coming in under a new spiritual set of principles. In this state we can grow and function in the motions of obedience unto righteousness, which exist in the spirit of the mind, Rom.8:5,27, strengthened by the knowledge of the Word of God, producing in us the workings of God, to will and do according to His good pleasure, bringing forth the fruit of righteousness and godliness, even in our flesh, which is being quickened by the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, Rom.8:11.

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 11 - Functional Salvation (Christ in you))

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 11 - Functional Salvation (Christ in you))

The primary topic of Romans 1 to 5 is justification, or as I also describe it by saying, “Just as if I never sinned”. Justification is a positional salvation, meaning that we do not experience this salvation in this natural realm or at this time. We are justified, imputed with the righteousness of Christ, and fully and permanently saved by God’s decree and by the cross work of Christ from a heavenly perspective, but justification does nothing to our flesh! Though our souls are eternally saved when we believe in Christ, our flesh and our lives here on earth do not change or get affected one iota. Another way we can understand this salvation is that we are placed in Christ, as confirmed by a myriad of verses, with the following being a sample of the many,

1 Cor 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,

1 Cor 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God —and righteousness and sanctification and redemption— 

Col 2:10 ...and you are complete in Him [Christ], who is the head of all principality and power.

Eph 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

In contrast to positional (heavenly) salvation and being in Christ, Romans 6 to 8 deals with sanctification which is a conditional, or functional salvation. This means that after justification, our salvation continues to develop or grow and eventually starts to affect or influence our natural condition, functioning within us towards the outside and manifesting outwardly into the world. Through justification we are placed IN CHRIST, but sanctification is more appropriately understood as CHRIST IN US; His life being formed within us through the power of the written Word of God, influencing our thoughts, reasoning, speech, actions, and behaviours, to the degree that we give ourselves over in obedience to it. Here are a few confirming verses,

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 10 - Salvation doesn’t stop at the cross, but includes resurrection too)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 10 - Salvation doesn’t stop at the cross, but includes resurrection too)

Romans 6 to 8 is a keynote part of our Christian doctrine. Paul has fully transitioned from lessons in justification through Romans 1 to 5 and is now focused on sanctification. Justification is shelved and is settled. Those who believe in Jesus Christ: in his cross work through the gospel of grace, are saved from God's wrath and hell. Their heavenward salvation is final and sure, because it is not based on the life of the believer, but on the righteousness of Christ and God's heavenly decree to save those who believe in His Son. This is positional salvation because it is not up to the believer. It is God's decree and Christ's work. The believer is placed in Christ and sealed unto the day of salvation, Eph.1:13.

What we are going to get into now is in contrast to positional salvation. Sanctification is functional salvation because the believer has a responsibility, or as Paul puts it, a reasonable service to perform, Rom.12:1. Recall this verse,

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 8 - We shall reign in life through Jesus Christ)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 8 - We shall reign in life through Jesus Christ)

Wow!!!! Part 7 was an incredible post! Paul, through inspiration, imparted to us some deep spiritual knowledge concerning two salvation experiences, and then topped it off with a few "much more" statements that lay out the blessings of God's grace and love for us through Christ. One thing remains constant though in this section of Romans, but ultimately through all Paul's epistles, and that is that EVERYTHING is in, and through, Christ. God has elevated Jesus Christ to his right hand. No other man has come close to, or could ever attain to, the righteousness of Christ, and this is gloriously seen in the way that God has resurrected him from death and raised him up, FAR, FAR above, seating him in the place of honour and highest glory, at the right hand of God, and has given him all things, and has placed all things under his feet, and has given him all power, and a name above every other, Eph.1:20-23.

Dear reader, I want you to take note at how extensively God has rewarded Jesus Christ. What caused God to honour Jesus as much as this? Is it because Jesus is God's Son? Many would think that God honoured Jesus because Jesus is God’s Son, but the honour is not because of title. No. The honour and glory that God bestowed upon Jesus is because of his faith, obedience and humility. See this scripture for confirmation:

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 6 - Therefore being Justified by Faith)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 6 - Therefore being Justified by Faith)

When you believed the message of the grace gospel, you acknowledged your sins and put your trust in the fact that the cross of Christ was the propitiation [appeasement, satisfactory fulfilment] that was made on your behalf, allowing God to remain just, while justifying you freely through that sacrifice, Rom.3:26. The moment you did that, your soul became redeemed and is now at peace with God, Rom.5:1. Being justified became the FIRST STEP of your salvation, as we will learn in upcoming parts of this study. 

  • What is the significance of justification? Well, you can spend the rest of your life in that justified state and still be saved, even if you never learn and receive the rest of God’s salvation. 

This expression above is a biblically qualified fact, based on what we have already learned. However, even though this statement is true, it is not where we should stop and rest on those laurels. There is more to salvation and God would desire that we press on in our learning of Paul’s doctrine, Php.3:14, as much more blessings and glory are there for us to receive by the grace of God, as we will learn in Rom.5:10.

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 1- Intro)

Understanding the Process of Salvation in Romans (Part 1)

A while back, after a bible study session, a friend of mine asked me to teach a series of lessons on, “the process of salvation”. We had just finished a series of teachings dealing with the judgement seat of Christ, so I thought the request was a bit surprising, since he was an established Christian, but I have also never hesitated or questioned this topic, as I believe that there can be no more important subject and information than to know salvation, and to know what it means, and to know what happens to one in the process of receiving it and growing in it.

Thus, this post, and a few subsequent ones, will be digging into the topic, from the epistle of Romans, and seeking out to understand its truth and effects on the human heart and mind. Now, before you all think this is a basic topic concerning the cross of Christ, which every Christian thinks they know, I want to inform you ‘off the bat’ that this topic is far deeper than the average Christian realizes. Salvation is a VERY broad term and involves a LOT more than what Christians know. Romans may be the foundational epistle in the curriculum of Paul's 9-church epistles, but foundational does not mean the information stops at being basic. Romans contains the words of God, and we all know that God is infinitely wise. There are depths to this topic that continually surface as one studies it more and more.

God's Forbearance and Righteousness revealed in Christ

God's Forbearance and Righteousness revealed in Christ

Rom.3:24-26  Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:  (25)  Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;  (26)  To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

Imagine I told people that the only way to be justified with God was to jump across the ocean to another country; obviously, that would be impossible. Without God's grace, this would serve as a good illustration of how unattainable it is for us humans to be justified before God. However, what does the human heart do? What about sinners who believe they can earn their salvation through their efforts? In their ignorance, they attempt this challenge regardless—one person jumps two feet and falls far short, while another jumps twenty feet and, instead of acknowledging how far he still is from the other side of the ocean, turns around and says, "Look how much better I am than that guy."

The point of the matter is, the man that jumps the furthest is in the deepest water. It's the people in this world who compare themselves with drug addicts and serial killers and pedophiles that are in the most trouble because they're comparing themselves to everybody around them and refusing to acknowledge how far short of the glory of God they've fallen. They think they are in a different category because they are not as bad as those people. They seem to ignore the fact that in the sight of God, they are as guilty and vile as addicts, murderers and pedophiles. What does John say, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1Jn.1:8. People who think they are more righteous than the person next to them are deceived and lie to themselves. The scriptures say that all have sinned, and all have come short of the glory of God. 

Video: Understanding Salvation (Part 3) - The faith of Abraham

I continue the video series called 'Understanding Salvation' with this 3rd part. I encourage you to take time to listen to the series and gain a deeper understanding of salvation, which is NOT only the escape of hell, as many Christinas think, but MUCH more than only that first step.

See part 3 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mfeCbkaVeU

God bless.

From Faith to Faith

From Faith to Faith

Imagine yourself in a small boat in the very middle of the Pacific Ocean, hundreds of miles away from land and people. How will you survive this ordeal? What can save you and what can benefit your salvation? Well, putting your faith in random chance that some ship will cross your path is not going to help. What you need is some form of knowledge that you can trust, that is credible and true and can be actioned out to aid your chances of survival. So, let's say you can draw from this knowledge set. You can navigate by the stars. You can read the nautical charts and understand global coordinates. You can fabricate a rod and hook to catch fish, and you can set up a sail and understand how to use the winds. In this regard, this knowledge can save you and greatly increase the reality of you getting home.

Now let's bring this little analogy into our spiritual lesson. Ignorance is not going to get you far in spiritual matters concerning God and heavenly things. The way to know God, to know His salvation plan, to walk after the Spirit, and to be confident in faith and in the substance of unseen things, is to gain in knowledge of the truth of these matters, to the point of confidence in applying that truth to your life. Having faith in the written Word of God is the only way to get you home in the ages to come.  

Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth

Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth

2Thess.2:13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Salvation is more than just God forgiving you your sins. Don't get me wrong. Forgiveness of sins is the first step in our salvation, but it's not only that. The salvation that Paul is referring to in the verse above, is more than just forgiveness of sins. There appears to be more information here than what many believers actually know about. What does it mean that it comes through sanctification of the Spirit.

People still remain confused or very negligent about this. Paul said in Ephesians, “Be ye filled with the Spirit.” Look at that statement carefully. That is your command and your responsibility, not God’s. God has already given us His Spirit. In 1Thess.4:8, Paul writes, “Who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit.” God has already given us His Spirit and tells us to be filled with the Spirit. This means that we need to act upon it. OK. But how? By getting into the written Word. The Word of God is Spirit and life, Jn.6:63. If we want to get the Spirit into us and be filled with it, we must partake of the Word of God. Unfortunately, this is not a priority for many. People don’t want to gather where the Bible is being taught. They don’t want to gather where doctrine is being presented. They don’t want to read their Bible at home, and then they wonder why they 'feel' so far from God, and they pray, “God, fill me with Your Spirit.” But it does not work that way! Our doctrine tells us how to be filled with the Spirit, and it's not at the church alter, nor by the laying on of hands, nor by various activities that make us feel good. The only place to find the Spirit and get filled by it is in the written Word.

Our salvation does not end at the cross! There is MUCH MORE to what Jesus did for us!

His cross marks the start of your salvation, His resurrection is God's power to run the race and win the prize of the high calling of God.

Don't be blinded in your mind by the enemy. Don't remain ignorant and childlike in the faith. Get into the Word of God and let it educate and sharpen you unto the full redemption plan of God and His purpose for your future and vocation in the ages to come. Our Lord's cross marks the start of your salvation; His resurrection is God's power to run the race and win the prize of the high calling of God.

Read this important message here:


Being in a ready state to preach the gospel of Christ

Being in a ready state to preach the gospel of Christ

To summarize this video: It is a heartfelt encouragement to believers to actively share the gospel of Christ. It emphasizes the importance of preaching the gospel, whether on street corners or in casual conversations, despite potential opposition and persecution. The video highlights the increasing ignorance and hostility towards God’s word in today’s world and urges believers to pray for boldness and grace to speak the words of life. 

I trust that watching this video may motivate you to take your role as ambassadors of Christ seriously, to speak the gospel boldly, and to understand the eternal significance of your efforts.

The video also includes a printable PDF document (in the description area) with organized scriptures to help one to present the gospel effectively. Use the PDF to memorize scriptures so you can be prepared to share the gospel at any moment. Every person deserves to hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen.

See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISjZID32lPM

Two wrongs don't make a right

Two wrongs do not make a right!

I don't particularly like to disagree with comments, but it was necessary in this regard as it could lead people down two wrong roads.

The following comment is a reaction to this post:


First, forget the King James. New International Version is best now. Nobody knows how to read the Bible. If you are born again, the Holy Spirit often shows you things by giving you understanding. Also, don’t read it front to back. First read the Gospels. Next read James, Peter 1 and 2, and Acts. This will save your eternal life.


Thank you for your comment. I always appreciate subsequent communication as it generates additional learning material for readers, as well as allows us to learn from each other.

Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?

Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?

Yes! But only for a very short period of time.

Paul, blinded by the glory of Jesus Christ on the Damascus Road, was led into Damascus by his companions after his encounter. He spent 3 days without sight and sustenance. Then Ananias prayer for Saul’s sight and Saul was strengthened with food. Straightway after he gained his strength, Saul went to the Jewish synagogue and started to preach that Jesus is the Son of God. See Acts 9:19 in the image.

This is the only time when Paul preached the Kingdom gospel.

How do we know it was the Kingdom gospel? In verse 19 it says that Saul preached that Jesus is the Son of God. This was the key faith condition (and confession) for receiving salvation as per this gospel. A person had to believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah and confess Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.

For confirmation of this, have a look at these examples of people being saved under the Kingdom gospel.

Common disputes about grace salvation that believers have if they fail to rightly divide

Common disputes about grace salvation that believers have if they fail to rightly divide

The following is a reply to clarify the common disputes that believers have if they fail to rightly divide the scriptures. This is a classic argument of a person that mixes, or blends, all the conditions of both the Kingdom and the Grace gospels into one, confusing the matter and creating contradictions concerning salvation. Some of the objections they raise concerning my article are as follows:

  • The road to salvation has ALWAYS BEEN THE SAME .
  • We must OBEY Christ’s commands since He came.
  • Those who repent will be saved. Those who do not repent will perish.
  • The idea of being saved merely by belief in God is refuted by James.
  • Hebrews, and elsewhere, warns of falling away.
  • You HAVE TO BEAR FRUIT, You HAVE TO STAY CLOSE to God/on the vine. Or you will not be saved.
  • Revelation 3 warns that "Those who endure to the end will be saved."
  • Once saved, always saved is a heresy.
  • Not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of the Father.

I encourage you to read the article in full to remain sharp on what arguments and disputes people raise when they do not rightly divide and become familiar with how one can inform these people with contextually correct answers.

The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.

The darkened reasoning of an Atheist is so superficial and pitiful. If only they’d chose to respond to those moments of grace that God gives them and see the light.


If the bible is to be understood verbatim there should be no need to keep ‘interpreting’ it to make the end result fit the reality you want it to be. If it can’t be understood verbatim then perhaps the logical answer is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales. People have literally written billions of interpretations of what they think the Bible ‘means’. That alone should be enough to question the veracity of this collection of fables and the illogical reasoning of some invisible being out there in Neverland.


The Bible is designed to interpret itself. Proper teaching of the Bible is to use references from other parts of the Bible to validate the parts one studies. The Bible tells us that prophecy cannot be understood by man's private interpretation, 2Pet 1:20. Thus, it is bad teachers who twist the Bible and try to force it to say what they want. The Bible (KJV) stands alone and is its own interpreter, and this is possible because God has preserved His Word above His name, Ps 138:2. Until you choose to believe it, it will not show you light. It is designed to hide the truth from those who are not spiritually discerned, 1Cor 2:10-14.

Can living the 'Golden Rule' Save You?

Can living the 'Golden Rule' Save You?


Assuming Jesus existed and assuming the statement attributed to him in Matthew 22:35-40 has been accurately translated in the Bible, is it not true that the only way for a Christian to have everlasting life is by adhering to the Golden Rule?


There is not an iota of doubt in my mind that Jesus existed. Furthermore, there is not an iota of doubt in my mind that what he quoted is accurately recorded in my King James Bible. Heaven and earth can pass away, but these two facts will remain eternally true.

Before I answer your question, lets look at the verse you quote,

Mat 22:36-40 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? (37) Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (38) This is the first and great commandment. (39) And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (40) On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

What if I believe in The Lord God but not Jesus? Jesus was a messenger. A prophet in my belief.


What if I believe in The Lord God but not Jesus? Jesus was a messenger. A prophet in my belief.


The message and focus of the grace gospel, which is the only gospel by which we can be saved today, proclaims the cross of Christ, see 1Cor 15:1–4. The focus is on what Jesus Christ did for us. It does not focus on His identity, which is of great importance in the Kingdom gospel.

However, I must add that if you are going to believe in the cross work of Christ; that His death is for the forgiveness of our sins, and His resurrection is for our justification before God, then it goes hand in hand that this sinless and utterly righteous life that Jesus lived is proof of His deity.

It’s not really viable to separate His deity from the cross. No man can die for my sins because all men have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. How can a sinner die for my sins??

Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program

Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program.


You speak much about forgiveness, but what about repentance? I checked in the scripture and find most of it in the Gospels, Acts and Revelation, but also one in 2Cor 7:9-10 and another in 2Tim 2:25. So there is not much about repentance in Paul's writing. It looks like repentance for Jews is something they need to do, but for us, we just acknowledge that the body can fall in weakness, but the spirit is willing. Please provide a clear understanding of repentance within the grace program. TX.


Thank you for your question.

Let’s define the proper meaning of the word ‘repentance’. It is to have a change of mind that takes action to correct one’s sins or errors after being exposed to truth. Repentance is not about emotions or feelings. It concerns the mind; it concerns making corrective choices to bring wayward thinking and actions back to a conforming of truth.