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Being in a ready state to preach the gospel of Christ

Being in a ready state to preach the gospel of Christ

To summarize this video: It is a heartfelt encouragement to believers to actively share the gospel of Christ. It emphasizes the importance of preaching the gospel, whether on street corners or in casual conversations, despite potential opposition and persecution. The video highlights the increasing ignorance and hostility towards God’s word in today’s world and urges believers to pray for boldness and grace to speak the words of life. 

I trust that watching this video may motivate you to take your role as ambassadors of Christ seriously, to speak the gospel boldly, and to understand the eternal significance of your efforts.

The video also includes a printable PDF document (in the description area) with organized scriptures to help one to present the gospel effectively. Use the PDF to memorize scriptures so you can be prepared to share the gospel at any moment. Every person deserves to hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Amen.

See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISjZID32lPM

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