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So much said in so few words

So much said in so few words

Eph 2:8-9  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  9  Not of works, lest any man should boast.

In this ultra-short, yet dynamic scripture passage, Paul provides us with a significant amount of detail concerning the truth of our salvation. Let’s look at each key word and allow them to simply overwhelm us with gratitude.

By Grace

Grace is the pure kindness and empathy of God that allows us to receive blessing and favour we certainly don't deserve. That blessing and favour is in Jesus Christ. I cannot even start to pen the magnitude of this salvation act of God. Yes, it is a work of God, in which we have no part to contribute. We can do nothing to earn or deserve salvation. It starts with acknowledging our absolute dependency on God, then releasing ourselves utterly into His control, and being overcome by His ‘grace’. Paul uses these words to further emphasize the point,

Rom 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. 11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement (at-one-ment with God).


The above verse also highlights the extent of His salvation. We are reconciled by Christ’s death. This reconciliation is to be at peace with God (Rom.5:1). This is already and everlasting salvation. Yet, it goes further than just being saved in reconciliation. By Christ’s life, we are saved ‘much more’. God’s salvation extends to unprecedented eternal benefits of great blessing, knowledge, power, fulness and glory. How do I know this? Read Ephesians 1:3-23. Try and fully comprehend that!

Through Faith

Faith is produced by hearing and comprehending the gospel of Jesus Christ. The message of the gospel has innate power to save you (Rom 1:16). In the moment you receive the message, and choose to trust in it, God creates a new spiritual (inner) man within you (2Cor 5:17; Col 3:10; Eph 4:24). This new man has comprehension of spiritual things. It can grow and mature in the knowledge of God and start to understand the mind of Christ, (1Co 2:16). This inner man is the eternal connection you have with God. It all starts with faith in the simplicity of believing in Jesus Christ to save you (Rom 3:22; Rom 4:24).

Not of Yourselves

There is no boasting here. Our dependency is in Jesus Christ alone. God does not honour our efforts. How can anything we do outweigh that which Christ has already done for us? God does not need anything from us. As a matter of fact, without faith in Christ, God’s salvation does not reach us. Without Christ, God does not give us grace. The only thing that releases God’s grace to us is if we are identified in His Son. He who has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son, does not have life, (1Jn 5:12).

A Gift

A gift is freely given. A gift is freely received. The giver does not require or expect a payment, or recompense, or reparation for it. The giver is acting out of kindness. It is a gesture of goodwill for the benefit of the recipient. Likewise, the recipient should receive it with gratitude and with the understanding that there are no conditions, provisions, or stipulations connected to it. They receive the gift unreservedly.

Not of Works

Paul sums this up perfectly in this statement,

Rom 11:6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

There is not much more that needs to be said. God’s justification, and its accompanying salvation cannot be earned or deserved. No amount of good works can ever buy it. Even our good works and righteousness are filthy rags before God, (Isa 64:6). We simply trust in Christ. We believe that His cross work is the propitiation for our sins and unrighteousness. So, if we cannot work, what do we do? We rest from work. We study His Word. We allow His word to saturate us and work itself out of us to the will and glory of God.

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