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The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 11: Dispensational Wisdom)

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The Four Cornerstones of Romans (Part 11: Dispensational Wisdom)

The epistle of Romans is the foundational epistle of the Christian faith. An analysis of its contents reveals that the letter can be divided into four parts, each part representing a cornerstone of the Christian faith. Missing any one of these four cornerstones, the faith foundation of a Christian can become compromised and shaky. It is vitally important to have a good understanding of each of these four cornerstones to ensure that the foundation of your faith is stable and secure.

In this series we have already covered the first two cornerstones, (1) God's Righteousness, and (2) God's Grace. The third cornerstone of Romans is "Dispensational Wisdom". Since my entire blog is based on a dispensational view of scripture, I'm not going to write much about this cornerstone, but rather point you to specific posts that I have already written in the past.

If you are interested to continue learning and growing in these cornerstones, please read through these links below to gain a generic overview of this topic. All that remains for me to say is that where righteousness and grace lay a personal foundation of your position in Christ, this third corner stone of dispensational wisdom will strengthen your knowledge and understanding on the proper context of God's Word. If one does not understand the right context of scripture, one can easily become sidetracked or even deceived in one's interpretation of scripture. This cornerstone will prevent this from happening, and keep one secure in the correct interpretations according to the command of Paul that we rightly divide the Word of truth, 2Tim.2:15.

Cornerstone 3: God’s Dispensational Wisdom (Rom.9-11)

In Romans 9 to 11, Paul is laying out the foundation of dispensational truth concerning mystery and prophecy. This section is important, as Paul is preparing us to fully comprehend the depths of God's wisdom and knowledge. In his last statements on this cornerstone, Paul says,

Rom 11:33  O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! 

The full depth of God's wisdom and knowledge is manifested in both these programs, (1) the fullness of the Gentiles, and (2) the fullness of Israel. God's 'mystery' is being fulfilled at this present time, now, through the program of grace, and the prophetic program will be fulfilled in the near future. It is through these two programs that the complete redemption plan of God is made manifest, and how both of these are working towards the will of God to bring together all things, in heaven and in earth, into one in the dispensation of the fullness of times, Eph.1:10. In these 3-chapters of Romans, 9 to 11, Paul is preparing us with this foundational doctrine that we might be able to fully comprehend the depths of God's wisdom and knowledge as mentioned at the end of Romans 11,

Rom 11:34-36  For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?  35  Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?  36  For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

The mystery and prophecy programs are in fellowship together, as it pertains to the eternal purpose of God, and so we can't ignore Romans 9 to 11, because it is foundational in understanding the rest of the New Testament.  As we read Romans 9 to 11, we can understand that God has postponed the prophetic program. Then, through Paul, we have this dispensation of grace given to us Gentiles, and that at this time, God is taking both Jew and Gentile and making one new man in Christ. This part of Romans is the foundational introduction, but Paul writes about all the details in Romans through Philemon. Similarly, we have the fullness of Israel's program as we come into the books of Hebrews through Revelation. So, our introduction to dispensational understanding occurs right here in the foundational teachings of Romans. As with the other cornerstones, we are introduced to the topic, but as we continue in the curriculum of Paul's other letters, we learn the details in greater depth and detail.

The following links will provide more insights into this third cornerstone. In the next post we will continue with the fourth cornerstone called, "Living in God's Mercies".

Links to dispensational wisdom:

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