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This analogy about God restoring His Kingdom, 'ROCKS'!!!

This analogy about God restoring His Kingdom, 'ROCKS'!!!

Here is some more real-time drama on "The Big Picture".

I wrote this analogy in about 10-minutes. I think I was somehow inspired when I did. LOL!! All glory to God. When I reread what I wrote, I was completely surprised at how well it explains things, —at least I hope it does. In context, it came about from a reaction someone had on the below paragraph I wrote.

My paragraph:

Paul's doctrine of the mystery is for all nations; both Jew and Gentile, to be saved by the cross work of Christ and to be joined together into the Body of Christ and inherit the heavens. This is separate from the Kingdom program that belongs to Israel only, who were (and will again be in the tribulation) saved by believing in Jesus Christ as their Messiah and King. They will inherit the earth and enter as the preeminent nation into the Millennial Kingdom. This is how we rightly divide, between the prophetic program and the Mystery program.

Someone's reaction to the above:

It astonishes me how a sensible man would believe in such a divided Kingdom of God. Can you read? Or do you rely on “revelations"? How about realizing that your bible has perhaps not been translated very well? You are reducing the Kingdom of God and of his Christ to a joke for Jewish nationalists and some remnant nations. Can you really not see that?

My response in analogy (that I trust should makes sense and clarify things for him):

I do not teach that God’s Kingdom is divided. What I do teach is that God’s plan to restore creation is divided into parts. There is a big difference here.

Here is a practical analogy. Consider God’s kingdom as a plot of land on which a house will be rebuilt. The plot is not divided, but the house must be rebuilt upon this land as a project of restoration. To build the house we need to divide the project into phases. First tear down the old structure, then lay new foundations, plumbing and electrical. Second, build the walls and install doors and windows. Lastly, place the roof on top.

Now consider that this three-phase project could not be achieved in any other order. One cannot build the walls first and then dig a foundation. Also consider that one cannot put the doors and the windows in the roof or use the roof tiles instead of bricks for the walls. Can you see that things must be in order and materials have to be used in its proper place.

What does all this mean? The 3-phases are the dispensations, time past, but now, ages to come, Eph.2:7-13. The material, like bricks, roof tiles, and windowpanes, are like the doctrines that are specific to each dispensation. One cannot use doctrine from one dispensation in another. It will not work.

Prophecy and law are the doctrine that fits into the dispensation for Israel. Mystery and grace are the doctrine that fits into the dispensation for the Body of Christ. Both these dispensations, with their doctrines, contribute to the restoration of the whole Kingdom of God.

Now, just to remind you, this is an analogy. If you want me to provide the scriptures to back up these two dispensations and their accompanying doctrine, I’m more than happy to provide you the scriptural proof. Here are three to look into in the interim,

  • Gal 2:7 - Two gospels
  • Eph 1:10 - Two realms and two people groups
  • Mat 5:19; Rom 6:14 - Two doctrines, law and grace


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