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This translation knocked the wind out my sails

This translation knocked the wind out my sails

Browsing YouTube recently, I saw this video in my feed. (See image above). I immediately noticed the caption showing 2Corinthians 5:14-17, one of my original 'go to' verse references for teaching and encouraging the study of the Bible rightly divided. I thought, WOW!!! I have never seen or heard of many preachers who teach this passage, because it is very controversial. I wanted to know what this preacher was going to say about it, and how he was going to teach it. Without even reading the actual verse onscreen, I clicked the video and found the location of the sermon where the preacher started with this verse.

Then, as he started to read the verse to the congregation, all my excitement and anticipation came crashing down. My first thought was, what is he reading? I don't recognize anything that was coming out of his mouth. Then I read the caption on the screen and thought, "what philosophy book did this come from?" That passage is not even CLOSE to the verses I am familiar with in my King James Bible. Not even the message, or meaning, of these verses' lines up with what my KJV says. I am aware that modern Bible translations are corrupt, but this translation knocked the wind out my sails. I was shocked!!! 

I called my wife near and asked her to evaluate what I was about to read her. I first read the King James Version and she smiled.

(KJV) Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.

Then I read the New Life Version, and her face became very confused? 

(NLV) So from now on, we do not think about what people are like by looking at them. We even thought about Christ that way one time. But we do not think of Him that way anymore.

I had to read the NLV twice more to her and then she asked me, "What is this passage in this version actually saying?" I said, "I don't know? Were we supposed to think about Christ in the way that people looked at him?" We were utterly confused at this translation. Were we to form an opinion about Jesus based on the way we, or others, perceived him? That is ludicrous!! What form of doctrine is this?

In comparison, what does the passage in the KJV tell us?

know we no man after the flesh —this refers to one's worldly and external life and relations (2Cor 11:18; Joh 8:15; Php 3:4), as opposed to what they are according to the Spirit, a "new creature" (2Cor 5:17). For example, external distinctions such as Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, slave or free, educated or uneducated, are disregarded in the 'higher life' or spiritual values of those who are dead in Christ’s death, and alive with Him in the new life of His resurrection (Gal 2:6; Gal 3:28).

yet now henceforth know we him [Christ] no more —referring to the earthly ministry of Christ. Jesus was a minister of the circumcision (Rom 15:8) and ministered under the Mosaic law (Gal 4:4) to Jews only (Matt 15:24). His purpose was to prepare Israel for the reception of their earthly kingdom (Matt 4:17), to ratify a new covenant (Lk 22:20), and to fulfil specific prophecies from the scriptures so as to identify Himself as the Messiah and King (Matt 8:17; Lk 4:17-21; Lk 24:44). As grace believers, this is not our doctrine, and although we can learn from it, we do not focus on, or apply as doctrine, the things of the earthly ministry of Christ. As Paul writes, we know and preach Him according to the revelation of the mystery [doctrine] (Rom 16:26-26), revealed to Paul and documented in his 13-epistles.

In conclusion, if you read and understand the true context of this verse according to the KJV, can you see how utterly corrupt and powerless the NLV translation is. It says absolutely NOTHING and carries ZERO value when compared to the original message and intent. For interest's sake, I compared several other modern translations and they all relayed messages similar to the NLV, utterly devoid of truth and value.

As believers today, we must be vigilant of these corruptions of the Word of God. I encourage you to visit the articles linked below and become enlightened to the value and truth in the King James Bible and learn of the ways that the modern translations have been corrupted. I cannot advise on other languages, but as for English, the only Bible that is pure and can be trusted is the King James Authorized Bible, 1611.

In ending, let me inform you of the other passage I use to promote a dispensational view of scripture and the importance of right dividing. It is Romans 16:25-26. Here is a comparison of this passage between the KJV and the NLV which again, the NLV utterly ruins and corrupts.

KJV (King James Version)

Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:

NLV (New Life Version)

We give honor to God. He is able to make you strong as I preach from the Holy Writings about Jesus Christ. It was a secret hidden from the beginning of the world. But now as the prophets foretold and as the eternal God has commanded, this message is made known to all Gentiles everywhere, so that they too might believe and obey him.

There is no honour to God in the translation of the NLV. We learn from the KJV that Paul wrote about the mysteries which were revealed to him by the risen and glorified Christ, kept secret since the world began, but now, to Paul, was made manifest. However, in the NLV, we read that the prophets foretold of the mysteries. How?? How could the prophets have foretold the things that God kept hidden and only revealed through the epistles of Paul. Just like a Jew can fail in the whole law if he breaks one commandment, it only takes one mistake, one mistranslation, one lie, for these modern translations to fail the inerrancy and infallibility of God's Word. 

My hope is that I have raised concern in those who never knew the dangers and corruption in the modern translations, and that I have provided a good reminder to those who have heard of this departure of truth and if necessary, to come back to the pure language and truths of the written Word of God in our trusted King James Bible.

God bless.


  1. Amen my Brother! I'm so glad when I see those who know that the King James Bible is the only Preserved Word of God in English. I don't know if you're aware of the work of Brandon Peterson at truthischrist.com, but I guarantee a blessing to those who go and see the infallible proof that KJB Only is not a cult. You can also get a free download of a book that Brandon wrote called "Sealed By The King" @ sealedbytheking.com. His latest video will really "blow your socks off" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBJM8sSPTLU&t=3809s
    BTW I too live in South Africa, in Roodepoort. I'm an American who came to get married and stayed despite the problems here. It can be tough but God brought me here and takes good care of me and my South African wife.
    Mark Gallagher

    1. Hi Mark,
      Thank you for your kind comment and the references to Brandon's content. I know of Brandon, having landed on his YouTube channel a number of times. His content is good. 👍TX.
      The KJV is a godsend, and I am so grateful for its content.
      Not sure if I should welcome you to RSA if you have been here for a while. Nevertheless, though it has its problems, it is still a great place to be...fairly sheltered from the nonsense in Europe and the States these days. We tend to lag about 18-24 months behind the trends in the north. 🤪
      Stay well and God bless. 🙌
