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If you choose to ignore Paul, you ignore the entire doctrine for the Body of Christ


Jesus preached repentance and baptism and following, the Sermon on the Mount. Paul WAS NOT one of the 12 Apostles, nor was he the successor of Judas. If you study the 4 Gospels, then read any of Paul’s epistles, you will be utterly confused. Paul was a believer, just like we are believers. We should not be taking Paul’s words and placing them on an equal level with Jesus’ words.


I agree that Paul was not one of the 12, nor did he replace Judas. I do however acknowledge that Paul was called as an apostle by the Lord Himself for a unique and important ministry, not to Israel, as the 12 were, but to the Gentiles. This is why his epistles contain different information; because the information is a whole NEW doctrine designed for a new people group, and for a new purpose in God’s redemption plan, 2Cor.5:15-21.

As with the rest of the scriptures written by other godly men of God, the words that Paul writes are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us, “If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.” 1Co 14:37. His epistles contain the commandments of Jesus Christ to the Body of Christ today.

In addition, we are told that Paul was a chosen vessel to bear the name of the Lord before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: Act.9:15, and that Paul is THE apostle to the Gentiles, Rom.11:13.

If you choose to ignore Paul, you choose to ignore the entire doctrine directed to the Body of Christ, Eph.3:1-13. Ignore him and you put yourself back under the law, Rom.6:14; Gal.5:1-4. Ignore him and you do not acknowledge the cross work of Christ for your salvation today, 1Cor15:1-4. Ignore him and you forego your membership in the Body of Christ, Rom.12:5; 1Cor.12:12-27; Eph.5:30, your heavenly inheritance, Eph.1:11-20; Php.3:20, and a share in the glory and riches of Christ in the ages to come, Eph.1:18; Eph.4:7-13. Without the writings of Paul, you are without Christ, having no hope, and without God in the world: Eph.2:12-13.

I respectfully challenge you to go and read every one of the references I have placed in my reply and see what the scriptures truly say. My point being that it is not I that is defending the credibility of Paul, but it is the Lord Himself, having chosen and empowered Paul to do His bidding, for the sake of His Name and His purpose.

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