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The inspirational history of the King James Bible

The inspirational history of the King James Bible

The latest video called, "Unforgettable Story About William Tyndale, in Translating & Publishing the 1611King James Bible", recently added to my "Recommended Videos" playlist on YouTube (link below), has prompted me to write this short post concerning the absolute value and importance of our King James Bible. The history, effort, and sacrifice of others, to get this book in our hands, is inspirational and heartfelt. 

I am overwhelmed!!! (What do you think about the history of this book?)

I encourage you to take time to look at the links below and learn about the history of this book so that it might prove itself to you too, that it is indeed the pure 'WORDS OF GOD'.

Some inspiration

The King James Bible, a significant work of faith and scholarship, originated during a period of religious reform and political maneuvering. It was commissioned by King James I in 1604 and involved a team of renowned scholars who aimed to create an English Bible that would represent the purity and authority of the original texts. The process of completing this task was filled with challenges, as religious tensions were high and the translators worked tirelessly to interpret the ancient texts. The resulting publication in 1611 not only influenced the future of Christianity but also had a profound impact on the English language itself. It serves as a testament to the enduring power of faith and the profound influence of scripture on society.

The journey of the King James Bible is also marked by the significant sacrifices of individuals who dared to translate the Bible into the common language. Figures such as William Tyndale, who was executed for his efforts to make the scriptures accessible to the English-speaking public, exemplify the dangerous pursuit of religious freedom and the spread of biblical knowledge. In addition to Tyndale, there were others like John Rogers, who was burned at the stake during the reign of Queen Mary I for his contributions to the Matthew Bible, a precursor to the King James Version. These sacrifices, often made in the face of fierce opposition and at the cost of their lives, emphasize the historical importance of the Bible and its impact on religious liberty. These individuals are remembered for their unwavering dedication to making the scriptures accessible, often paying the ultimate price for their beliefs and leaving a legacy that underscores the profound value of the work they sought to share with the world.

Today, we can hold in our hand a book forged in great honour and in great cost that not only honours the life and sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, but that brings us words that can bring us victory over sin, words that instruct us of the will of our Creator God, and the most valued of all messages concerning forgiveness and eternal salvation by means of the blood of Christ and our justification with God by His resurrection to life. There is no other work of literature that comes close to this masterpiece of God. it is an honour to read it and a privilege to believe it. To God be the glory. AMEN.

See the featured video:

Unforgettable Story About William Tyndale, in Translating & Publishing the 1611King James Bible

In addition to the link above link, also take time to look at these:

The Preserved Bible: Full Documentary On The King James Bible

THE WORDS OF GOD: KJB or Modern Bibles?

God bless.


PS: If by chance the above links do not work, go to my playlist link below and find the videos I reference above.

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