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Bring forth fruit unto God through knowledge of the Word

Bring forth fruit unto God through knowledge of the Word

Rom 16:25-26  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, ACCORDING to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,  (26)  But now is made manifest, AND by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:

Paul outshined all of us in the flesh and its him who said, “in my flesh dwelleth no good thing”, Rom.7:18. Though our flesh is corrupt, we are not to tolerate vain imaginations when it comes to God, because the only way this dead vile body will bring forth any fruit under God is when you fix your mind concerning God, restoring to it the true knowledge of God through Jesus Christ.

This is how we bring forth fruit unto God, not through our vain imaginations, doing our best, or trying to do what we think is pleasing unto God. The way to fix the flesh is not through the works of the flesh but through restoring your mind to the knowledge of God through the preaching of Christ. It is by knowledge of the Word of God, by knowledge of the mystery and the prophets, that we are transformed into the true sons of God within our inner man, Eph.3:16.

The preaching of Christ is to bring us into subjection of ‘the faith’, 2Co.13:5; Col.2:7. Religion tries to fix the flesh, but God, through the preaching of Christ, is fixing us through our subjection of faith to ‘the faith’ [Paul’s mystery doctrine], Rom.1:17. When ‘the faith’ starts to replace man's corruption of God through their vain imagination, only then do they start to increase in godliness and start to become instruments of righteousness, Rom.6:13, profitable, Tit.3:9, in the Kingdom of God.


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