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The heavenly kingdom inheritance of Paul and all grace believers

The heavenly kingdom inheritance of Paul and all grace believers

There is no doubt that Paul was Jewish and a committed and fervent Pharisee in the nation of Israel (Phil.3:5-7), yet just before he is martyred, he writes to Timothy and says the following,

2Tim.4:18  And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 

So, what is significant about this statement? Well, notice the location of the kingdom Paul confesses he belongs to. The heavenly kingdom. Is this strange? Yes, but also no.

Yes, it is strange because the bible tells us in prophecy that Israel will inherit the earth and be the preeminent nation to rule over the Gentiles in the Millennial Kingdom. Paul was Jewish, and he was well educated in the prophets, so surely, he would have known which kingdom he belonged to.

Now, just for context, what are the two kingdoms in question here?

Jesus and the 12-apostles taught the Kingdom gospel. This gospel was for the purpose of saving Israel so that, according to prophecy (eg: Isa 60), they could be the light and salvation for the Gentiles. This prophetic Kingdom program, which is currently suspended, (due to the grace dispensation), is the program specifically designed for Israel. Those saved into this program have a future hope of an earthly inheritance, the Millennial Kingdom.

On the inverse side, the Grace program, which is the currently active program today, belongs to ALL who believe in the grace gospel of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. The grace program was revealed to Paul by the risen and glorified Jesus Christ. It is a mystery program since nothing in it was ever revealed in prophecy. It is only when Paul began teaching it and writing its doctrine down in his epistles that we learn about this new part of God’s complete redemption plan. Those saved into this grace program experience a current and assured salvation and have a heavenly inheritance.

So then, why is it not strange that Paul identified himself to the grace program and the heavenly kingdom?

It’s not because it was revealed to Paul first, 1Tim.1:16. It’s also not because Paul had the option of choosing which program to be in. No. Paul was saved into the heavenly program because he could not be saved into the kingdom program, Matt.12:31-32. Paul had blasphemed the Holy Spirit, rejecting God’s salvation into the kingdom program when he approved of Stephan’s stoning, Act.8:1.

What we can learn from this is the incredible grace and longsuffering of God. God does not want anyone to perish, 2 Pet.3:9, and although salvation is a choice given to each person, it is God’s grace that is put on display when He gave Paul the ability to be saved, not by the kingdom program, which would violate God’s command and God’s justice, but by a brand new program of grace set up by God for the Gentiles.

Paul says the following,

1Tim.1:16  Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. 

Paul was saved into the heavenly program. He was the first member of the Body of Christ. God displayed His grace to all men by using Paul as the pattern of His longsuffering, showing that by His grace alone, through our faith in Jesus Christ, we can be unconditionally saved. This grace program continues even in this day, 2Cor.6:2, but the time of God’s grace will soon end as this dispensation draws to a close. When grace ends, God will turn again to His nation, Israel, and save them under the reinitialized kingdom program, which includes their purging in the tribulation, and their glory in the Millennial kingdom, bringing prophecy to a close.

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