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The paradox in the cross of Christ

The paradox in the cross of Christ

In reference to this post:

Somone asked the following question(s) in response to the above post. I wanted to share the answer I gave into this space for the encouragement and edification of people that peruse here.
God bless. 🙌


  • Do you believe in Satan? Do you believe a serpent can talk? Do you believe serpent can be smarter than humans? Do you think that God was so stupid to create Satan who will deceive Eve, and then god will dump curses on Eve, and say nothing to Satan. There are numerous problems in my mind about is in Bible.
  • Why god kept quite when children were eaten? Why god allowed pagan women to be raped.
  • Why god changed Lot’s wife to a pillar of salt, but said nothing to Lot who gulped alcohol and did sex with his daughters.
  • Why god told Moses to kill all women who have seen men, and spare others and Moses gave them to his soldiers. Boys with pubic hair were beheaded.
  • Why God did not punish David for raping Hittite woman?


The answers to these questions are provided throughout the Bible. As you read the Bible and become familiar with the righteousness of God, as well as the love of God, you will start to understand God’s character and these questions you have will fade away as your knowledge grows in God. All I can do from my side to answer this is point you to the cross of Christ which demonstrates two things that will give you some insights,

There is a paradox in the cross of Christ. It has a two-fold purpose, that should answer your questions. The cross tells us first that God loves us so much that He sacrificed His Son to make a way for us to be forgiven. Because of God’s absolute and uncompromising righteousness and justice, God could not simply justify sinners, so, in order to remain just and righteous, He sacrificed His sinless Son in our place, spilling Jesus’ innocent blood, so we can be saved through that sacrifice. Because a payment for sins was made, God could now justify us freely through the blood of Jesus, without compromising His righteousness, (Rom.3:25–26).

How does this answer your questions? Let me tell you. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, who’s blood takes away the sins of the world, (John 1:29), God demonstrates great patient with humanity, not willing for anyone to perish (2Peter.3:9). God abhors sin, but He knows that the blood of His Son can save people if they would believe in Jesus, so God is waiting patiently for people to choose Jesus and be saved. The sins and wickedness of men you list above can be forgiven of men because God already took His anger out on His Son, who took the punishment and death in our place. So, this demonstrates the absolute love God has for us.

BUT…….. the cross tells us a second thing about God. The cross shows His great love for us, but it also shows God’s intolerance and hatred for wickedness and sin. The wrath of God which was demonstrated to the world in killing His own Son, will soon be poured out over an unbelieving world. To all people that reject the salvation that God offers through His Son, God will soon pour out His undiluted and fierce wrath upon them. The world will see the hatred God has for wickedness and sin. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear of the Living God. The cross of Christ demonstrates God's love, yes, but people often miss the paradox in it because it also demonstrates God's intolerance for wickedness.

In summary, the Bible, in its fulness, will provide you ample understanding of the true and living God. All that list of things you mention is not overlooked by God. They will be dealt with, by the fullest measure of God’s righteous justice and wrath. But while grace is still being offered through the cross; while the cross still represents Gods patience for men to turn from their wickedness and believe in Jesus Christ, that grace will soon run out. The time is at hand for God to take the very same cross of Christ and make it a symbol of vengeance. God will avenge the death of His Son and will pour out His wrath and anger on a world that rejected the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. That list you mention above will be fully dealt with and men, who did not trust in the cross work of Christ on their behalf, will have to pay for their own sins by an eternal death, —not by God’s choice, but by their own.

The Bible has all the answers you need. Read it and be utterly astounded by God’s perfect character and controlled balance of love and justice.

To God be the glory for the things He has done.

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