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(LLTB) The Absolute Fundamentals of Learning and Living the Bible (Introduction)

The absolute fundamentals of LEARNING AND LIVING the Bible

Look out for a new series of posts that I will be publishing soon under the banner of "The Absolute Fundamentals of Learning and Living the Bible".

Each post in this series will take a casual and exploratory look at concepts and topics that fall into one of two absolutely fundamental categories,

  1. how to learn the bible,
    • accepting the key concept of dispensational divisions within the bible
    • understanding the separation of Israel from the Body of Christ
    • distinguishing the differences between the prophecy program and the mystery program
    • recognizing that what is written is either for our learning or for our direct application

  2.  how to live out the bible, putting it into practice in this day and age,
    • growing in the knowledge of the word
    • keeping in step with the indwelling spirit of life
    • behaviours and practices of grace living today

The concepts or topics discussed in the posts will be uploaded randomly. I will not be following a sequential order as I write these posts. I will however be generating a table of contents based on the titles of each post in this series into a separate post, and there I'll attempt to order the titles in a way that makes sense. One will be able to refer to this table of contents and then click the title link to take you to the appropriate post, thereby reading it the order that you choose.

I trust this series will be informative and educational and that you will be blessed by the content. I will prefix the post titles with (LLTB), as well as add the abbreviation to the labels section for quick reference and searches.  I trust this series will help you in continued growth and learning of the Bible and help you in developing a deeper connection and love for it. The Word is of course, by its own definition, a person, —Jesus Christ.

Grace and peace to you.

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