The Simplicity of Grace Living
A short while ago I watched a video of a theological debate featuring 3 prominent speakers who represent 3 different denominations. As a host asked various questions, each of the panelists would respond, and the theology of these participants differed from mild to wild depending on the questions. It was interesting to watch how each defended their particular view of theology, and even though they validated their points with scriptures and good arguments, it was quite sad to see how they made the whole debate complex and divisive based on their differences.
In Acts 17, Paul arrives at Athens and sees an array of idols set up around the city, probably near the Areopagus, or Mars Hill, where a council of civic leaders met, as well as the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, who were always looking to discover something “new” to discuss. Can you imagine the
This also reminds me of Mark 7 when Jesus told the Pharisees how much their laws had been corrupted by the traditions of the elders, so much so that it didn't even resemble the pure Mosaic laws that were given by God, and that they were now serving their traditions and ignoring the Word of God.
The message in all this is that we must understand that men's wisdom will always end up complicating things! Men's wisdom is not based on truth but on opinion, and this is why there is so many variations of it and why ultimately it becomes complicated and bloated. If we spend too much time gaining knowledge from too many different sources, we can run the risk of stacking too much detail over the simplicity of the truth. It could be advisable from time to time to stop and take stock of what we currently believe, ----really! Stop and take stock! Evaluate what you have collected mentally, determine what pieces of info you may have hoarded up over time and if it has started to influence your thoughts, your views, and the stance on your faith. Like the Galatians, have you knowingly or unknowingly added things to the pure simplistic gospel and to the 'mysteries' of the faith you came to know and follow?
2 Corinthians 1:12 For our rejoicing [boasting] is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom [under the law or academic intricacy or performance-based living] but by the grace of God, …
Philippians 2:13 (AMP) For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfil your purpose] for His good pleasure. (Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord. Zechariah 4:6)
Are we living ambassadors of the grace gospel and a simple obedience to the Holy Spirit, or have we become the advocates of a complicated and philosophical message and a lifestyle bloated with the wisdom and tradition of men?

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