Q-A: Are you waiting for God's will to be revealed?

Back in the day, I can recall praying and asking God to reveal His will to me; to reveal His will in my job, to show me the way to go in my Christian walk and in my ministry. I don't doubt that God led me and guided me in His own way, and I certainly do not doubt where I am today in my relationship with Him and my family, but I have also learned over time that the options in life and the decisions you face is ultimately your will and in your control. God is not going to tell you what job to choose, or if you must marry or not. He is not going to tell you to buy a house or in what stocks to invest. He is not going to reply to those fleeces you put out or use booming billboards to answer your prayers. This is YOUR life and the decisions you make are your own, and the direction you choose is yours to make. God entrusts you with the power to choose your path, but where your path ends up will be by how much of that power you choose to entrust back to God.
Now, having said the above, I do want to add that there is a better way of making life decisions. Making them with a clear mind, in an attitude of prayer, with a sense of inner peace and with consideration to wise counsel is far better. There is nothing wrong with asking God for wisdom and praying about your situation, but when you have finished your prayers and sought the counsel you needed and found the peace in a direction to go or a decision to make, then step out in faith and trust that God will work out the details to bring about the result that He determines is best for you. If your faith is in Him to work out the best for you in whatever life choices you face, then He will be there for you and will ensure that you remain in the center of His will and plan for your life. God has the sovereign ability to turn out for your good that which you have submitted to Him and trust Him with. (Note, for your good, not for your desire or ego or wealth or status. There is a big difference!)
It is interesting to note that the verses in the Bible that speak about God's will do not mention His aid in your decisions and direction. The advice provided is to learn His Word, to fill your mind with His ways and to grow in the knowledge of His truth. It is by having a good understanding of His Word, and basing decisions from this foundation that brings peace and a faith to step out, to trust and to do.
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind [by His Word], that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
1 Tim 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
God has given you the liberty to make your own decisions based on faith and peace within you. The fact is that God has revealed His will through His Spirit and His written Word of truth, and from that He entrusts you to make the proper everyday decisions in accord with Christ's 'Spirit of life' within your spirit and the written 'Word of God' in your mind.
Are you waiting for God's will to be revealed?
Then let me tell you what His will is...
Salvation is God's will for you and other people.
1 Tim.2:4 ...God our Saviour, 4 who desires [wills] all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
We need to grow in the Word, coming to a knowledge of the truth of the
1 Tim.2:4 ... and to come to the knowledge of the truth [His Word].
Giving thanks to God.
1 Thess.5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

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