How to identify non-dispensational websites

A few days ago I had some time on my hands, so I started browsing the web for some interesting reads. I happened upon a new site I've never seen before, and the page I was reading contained some of the authors views on where we go after death. Do we go to be with the Lord? Do we go to heaven or to a waiting room until judgement? Is our soul or consciousness aware of a new environment? Are we in a soul sleep while in the grave? As I read through the authors convictions on this topic I found that I agreed with him as he laid out the scriptures to qualify his understanding and I was genuinely impressed with the article. It was exciting to find a new site that I could relate to. However, as I browsed more I started to find some concepts that were very different to my convictions. The author expounded on some fundamental doctrines that I simply could not agree with. It was interesting to note how on the first article I read, I was in such agreement, yet as I opened more pages, and got to some basic Christian concepts, there was such a radical difference. In this post I'd like to point out what I find works well to 'test' a site and quickly determine if the views from that site are based on Paul's right dividing of the Word of truth (2 Tim.2:15).
Before I begin, let me just state that in no way do I judge any person or site. I found the views of that first article (mentioned above) to be sound and true (according to my convictions), and I learned some new facts that added to my already settled views. However, the purpose of this post is to provide a simple and brief guideline to anyone who has a mid-Acts dispensational point of view and who are seeking to find new sites to read and learn from and to avoid getting drawn into views and disputes that are not beneficial or edifying.
To help you determine if a site is rightly dividing the Word, one does not have to go much further than looking at the stance it takes on the Gospel, on the Rapture, on Baptism and on the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. These four topics will very quickly highlight the doctrine and stance that it promoted in the site content. Regarding other topics, you may find you agree with their writings and views, but come these four (not exclusively), you will quickly find differences in views and position if it is not from a rightly divided view.
Let's elaborate on these four in not particular order of significance.
The earthly ministry of Jesus
Gal.4:4 mentions that Jesus was born under the law to redeem those under the law. In Matt.15:24 Jesus says that He was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The whole 3-years of Jesus earthly ministry was focused on preparing the Jews to inherit the Kingdom. His focus was not towards the Gentiles at this point. Any sites that focus on Jesus earthly ministry, claiming that His teachings, parables and commands are directly relevant to us and that we need to obey the Jewish laws and ordinances should immediately tell you that there is no right division regarding the program of law vs grace, Israel vs the Body of Christ.
The site that I mentioned at the start of this post was very clear in its definition and importance of baptism. It was strictly proclaiming baptism as a very necessary step of salvation and that if one did not get baptized, one was not adhering to the command to do so and was forgoing one of the critical requirements to be saved. This does not line up with the grace gospel that only requires one to believe in the cross-work of Christ without any other works or ordinances to adhere to (1 Cor.15:1-4). Baptism is not an ordinance for the Body of Christ. Although Paul started his ministry with baptism, it was at the time when he was going to Jews first and before he received further revelations regarding the mystery program. Paul eventually mentions that he was not sent to baptize but to preach the gospel (1 Cor.1:17). Baptism originated under the law and was necessary for the separation and cleansing of the priesthood. A priest was to be washed and anointed. Washing (or baptism in the Kingdom gospel), was the washing of water for cleansing. Anointing (or receiving the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom gospel), shows that the priest was set apart for holy service to God. For appropriate references, see: Ex.19:10; Ex.29:4-7; Lev.8:10-12; Heb.10:21; Num.8:5-7; Ps.51:7; Ezek.36:24-25; Acts 2:38). So again, to help determine the doctrine of a site or author, baptism determines a clear difference between rightly dividing the Word and where scripture is mixed up between dispensations.
The Gospel
The difference between the Kingdom gospel and the Grace gospel is works. If any site promotes works in addition to faith, it is declaring a false gospel. The grace gospel proclaims that one cannot earn or merit salvation. One cannot satisfy the standards of God by your own goodness, works or values (Eph.2:8-9). Salvation is found in recognizing and believing in the finished cross-work of Christ alone with zero strings attached or added requirements (1 Cor.15:1-4).
In Rom.11:6 Paul writes,
"And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. ..."
Paul says that if anyone adds anything to the already sufficient work of Christ, it is nullifying faith and one has fallen from grace (Gal.5:1-5). When browsing sites and authors and you hone in on their interpretation of the Gospel, this is another good measure of where they stand regarding right division of the Word of truth.
The Rapture
Anything but the clear proclamation of a pre-tribulation rapture is another good indication of a site or author who does not hold a dispensational viewpoint of the Word. The Bible provides more than sufficient evidence that proves a pre-trib. rapture of the Body of Christ. Let me simply list some of the clearest of evidence in the Word to prove the point.
Read the following about the event: 1 Thess.4:16; 1 Cor.15:51-52; 1 Cor.15:51
Read the following about it occurring pre-trib.: Rom.5:9; 1 Thess.1:10; 1 Thess.5:9-10
The purpose for writing this post was just to document my own personal experience with browsing the web and finding all sorts and manner of content out there. My aim is not to discredit any person or site and not even to promote my views, but simply to inform anyone who holds a mid-Acts dispensational view of the Word that these topics listed above will help to keep your browsing more accurate and on par with your views and faith.
For anyone who is not familiar with the dispensational view and understanding of scripture, I encourage you to search out and prove for yourself that rightly dividing the Word will bring an incredible amount of clarity to scripture and clear away all that mess and confusion regarding complex scriptural issues and contradictions. This is what it did for me and now I enjoy the blessings of the Word with so much more clarity and insights.

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