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You wouldn't even know you had the Holy Spirit unless the Bible told you.

You wouldn't even know you had the Holy Spirit unless the Bible told you.

Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh, Gal.3:3? So how did the Galatians get the Spirit of God? By the hearing of faith which comes through the written word. Ephesians 1:13 says, "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, unto the day of redemption." You were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise until the day of redemption. Did you feel that happen when you got saved? Did you feel the Spirit of God come into you and circumcise you, and put off the body and the sins of the flesh, and take your soul and join it to the Lord Jesus Christ? You didn't feel any of these things. The Word says that we walk by faith. You wouldn't even know you had the Holy Spirit unless the Bible told you. The Holy Spirit did not come upon you like with Peter, James, and John, when they started talking in tongues, displaying mighty signs and miracles, and laying hands on the sick. Their dispensation was one of signs and sight. The truth is that we are in a different dispensation: one of faith; not of feelings! Thus, anyone who is seeking for the Spirit through signs, through feelings, through their physical senses, are not walking in the faith of our doctrine. They are living in ignorance of the written word of God according to the doctrine given to the Body of Christ through Paul’s epistles.

What does the scriptures say? The scriptural truth is that once you hear the gospel and put your trust in Jesus Christ, you are regenerated by the Spirit of God, and that Spirit of God baptizes you into Christ, sealing you there to the day of redemption. Then from that moment on you are to ‘drink in that spirit’ that comes from spending time in the word of God, 1Cor.12:13, not seeking it by the laying on of hands or trying to find that fresh anointing of the spirit at the church alter.  The written word of God is God’s spirit and life, Jn.6:63. When you partake in the word, you are ‘filled by God’s spirit’, Eph.5:18, renewed in your mind, increasing in the mind of Christ, 1Cor.2:16, in tune with the will and the judgements of God. We receive the Spirit of God by spending time in His Word and we walk by that Spirit when we give ourselves over in obedience to that word that is Spirit and life within us.

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