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Quote of the Day

 Quote of the Day

The quote above, paraphrased and adapted from a message preached by Paul Lucas, refers to the Athenians in Acts 17, who were essentially pagan idol worshippers who sat around all day in the courts of Areopagus, either to tell, or to hear some new thing [philosophy, stories, imaginations], Acts 17:21.

 Men who dote in their own wisdom, who reject God, waste time in their own vanities, adding nothing to their lives or to others. They are clanging cymbals, empty, and without profit unto God and His purpose. Similar to these men, the general history of mankind can be compared to these vanities, being empty of value when weighed up against God's eternal purpose.

The history recorded in the Bible are the events that truly have meaning and what men should remember and study. It pertains to God's plan and purpose in this world, it pertains to events that will still happen in our future, and it pertains to our spiritual destiny, both in this world and the ages to come. 

History is not our story, it is 'His' story, and thus it should be subject to His purpose and design and our attention and learning.

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