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Christian’s cling to the great deception of 'once saved, always saved'


There’s a problem here, in which Christian’s cling to the great deception of 'once saved, always saved', which is a false teaching, coming from a sense of feeling 'privileged' by reciting a phrase, or attending a ceremony, or doing a ritual. They think they will prevail in saving themselves from hell. The truth is that Christian’s must go through the motions of being 'good' and having 'a sense of duty' to know they are saved! There’s no instant saving formula etched in stone that anyone can point to or jump through the hoops and proclaim. Christ looks at the devices and desires of the heart, which are unknown to everyone on this planet. It’s not like there’s a one-for-all recipe in which you check all the boxes and you're saved! It doesn’t work that way.


My first thought, after reading your comment, is how will anyone know if they have done enough to be saved? When have we done enough work or are righteous enough to deserve God’s grace? The truth is that salvation is not based on feelings or emotions, neither is it based on a sense of duty and motivated by works. No! Salvation is not produced by our effort, goodness, or desires! It is given by God, and we receive it by faith, not fret or feeling.

I can give you two simple scriptures in the very beginning of Romans, the first, and foundational book of our faith. Paul says we are justified FREELY by the grace of God through Christ.

Rom 3:24  Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

I have never worked for something that is free!

In the second scripture, Paul tells us that by believing in Christ we have been justified and have PEACE with God.

Rom 5:1  Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 

So, if I must work for my salvation, as you claim, how can I have peace with God? I will constantly be anxious as I wouldn’t know if I have done enough to justify being saved.

I’m not sure how much clearer the Bible can put it?! The one who is being deceived is the one who is blind to the free gift of justification though the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. Just as the 10-commandments were etched into stone tablets, so the good news of God’s redemption through faith in Christ alone is written in ink, made perfectly clear in the pages of Paul’s epistles for all to read and understand. Concerning checking all the boxes, —you have too many!! There is only 1-checkbox, and it is a guaranteed.

☑️ Believe in the grace gospel of Jesus Christ and you will be saved! (Act 16:31; 1Cor 15:1-4.)

The Word is clear that salvation is FREELY given to a person NOT by stipulating what they do or don’t do in life, but by what God has decreed in the heavens, LONG BEFORE they were even born. God utterly saves a person who chooses to trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for salvation. This salvation is not dependent on their life, performance, piousness, or subsequent choices or works. Why? Because the salvation freely given them is based on what Jesus Christ has done. The simple fact that God raised Christ from the dead confirms the validation of God’s decree and the proof that we are justified, Rom 4:24-25.

If you think you can work for, or earn, or deserve salvation by things you do, you are sadly mistaken. Simply read Romans 1–3 and be informed that we have all become unprofitable and have all sinned and fallen short of God. Why would God send His Son to die for us if there was any way that we could earn salvation. Your view of man’s goodness and value is magnified way out of proportion. The fact that a sinless innocent man had to die for us should put into perspective how utterly defiled and godless even the best human on earth is.

Lastly, to cap it off then, if Christ died for us, how cheap do you think God will make the blood of His Son if He deprives those who place their trust in Christ for salvation, just to take it away again because they could not measure up to work and righteousness which His Son had already accomplished on their behalf. God saved us because we could not save ourselves. However, bear in mind that this free gift of salvation is only available to those who believe in the cross work of Christ.

Romans has all the confirmation of this contract of life. It is laid out clearly and concisely in the first 8 chapters.

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