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Recognize the value and worth of this book

Recognize the value and worth of this book

My wife had run into the pharmacy, while I waited in the car. In the quietness of that moment, whilst looking out at the cars driving past, the people walking about, the clouds drifting on the winds, and the sun, soon to be setting over the green hills in the distance, I started thinking about how all this came to be, how that by words, God had spoken this all into reality.

My mind locked onto the Word of God. That book, the Bible, and all the words written into it. It’s amazing how much one’s mind can contemplate in a moment of quiet! As my thoughts drifted about, I settled on the fact that EVERY WORD in the Bible is true, Rom.3:4. Every word written in its pages is filled with God’s living Spirit and is alive, and active, Heb.4:12, and full of grace. Besides the cross of Christ, the Bible is the greatest tangible object we have in this world today. This book is given to us by God Himself. It is a gift of epic proportions, and its value is incomprehensible. Can you even imagine that when you flip through its pages, the words, as you see them laid out before you, are the very breath of God, His will, His thoughts, plans and desires. Can you even comprehend the worth of receiving these words into your mind and spirit and believing them and acting out on them. My mind raced about in this moment, just drowning in the significance and thankfulness of being able to quote some verses, or go home and read those words again.

The Bible is the single most underrated object on this planet. Not the book or the paper, but the WORDS printed on them. The WORDS! Do you REALLY know what you have access to? Do Christians REALLY believe that these words are truth? Does the easy access to the Bible in print and on the web (esp. in the western world) dilute the value of the words? Are the pressures or pleasures of life more real than the image of the face of God reflected from those words, 2Cor.3:18; 2Cor.4:6? If there is any value in the message of this post, it is for us Christians to recognize the worth of these words. Please, get yourself into a place of quiet and have a moment of contemplation, thinking about the words in this book. Know that they are words for you. Know that they are the will and desires of your Creator. Understand that they have a message for you of hope and victory in this life. Trust that those words will carry you into the life to come and guarantee you an inheritance that is beyond your dreams and imaginations.

There is nothing more valuable, in this day and age, than the words in that book. Treasure them, believe them, apply them to your life, study them, act on them, honour them, and revere them. These words are the ONLY words that will bring you life and truth in this corrupt world of lies and selfishness. The more you get the word inside you, the more it renews your mind. As you allow it to influence your thoughts and actions, the more you will find Christ being formed in you and the more you will start to do the will and judgements of God, as a son or daughter of the Most High. The next time you open that book, know that you are looking into the very face of God, and know that the words you read, and the truth they contain, are worth more than anything you can desire in this world of vanity.

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