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What are our ambassadorial duties in this broken world?

What are our ambassadorial duties in this broken world?

The world is in a mess, right! So, what are we to be doing about it? I hear so many ‘Christians’ saying that we need to resist the changes happening in this age and make our mark on society. I don’t know about you, but I think this is the wrong mindset! If you know Bible prophecy, you will know that what is happening in the world today is part of God’s plan. I like to say that things are not falling apart (as so many think), rather things are starting to fall into place! This gives me such hope for our Lord’s soon return.

Does God expect us to halt the immorality of man? Does God expect us to stop the rise of evil? Does God expect us to disarm the Antichrist and spoil his plans? Of course not! Again, these things MUST take place. Judgement is coming upon the world. So, what then does God expect of us?

Our target is not to change governments and institutions. No. Their course is set on a fixed downward trend according to the end times. Our target is the individual. We are to intercept the lives of those individuals who come into our circle of influence. Our aim is to be an example of God’s love and kindness. Our purpose is to proclaim the gospel by our words and lifestyle. We are to reflect heaven to those who have no hope. God expects us to be carriers of truth, hope, and love, offering it freely to anyone who is willing to receive it. Our focus is to influence and save the individual, not the culture, or the system, or the institution in this world today.

How do we go about this process? What are our ambassadorial duties in this broken world?

  • Put your FAITH in God for your wellbeing (Prov.3:5-6)
  • Live in HOPE of His appearing (Titus 2:13)
  • Walk in LOVE, using any opportunities to do good (Eph.5:2,15-18; Col.3:14)
  • Share the GOSPEL of Grace by your words and your deeds (1 Cor.15:1-4)
  • Stand firm in the TRUTH by learning and knowing the Word (Eph.6:13,17; 1 Cor.15:58; Rom.15:4)
  • Be THANKFUL and REJOICE in the Lord in all circumstances (Col.3:16; 1Thess.5:18; Phil.4:6)

We, as members of the body of Christ, today, are ambassadors with only one purpose as we pass through this world. We are under instruction to reconcile! We have a ministry of reconciliation, 2 Cor.5:18-20. The list above is what God desires from us in our day-to-day life. It is not a burden but a natural outflow of life towards others around us. Our lives are to naturally reflect hope and praise from a heart of love towards God. This is more than enough to attract others to enquire about our lifestyle and attitude, and then its here where we can make the most of the opportunity to speak truth and love towards that person. Lost people are seeking hope and peace. In this day and age, people should easily be able to see this evidence emanating from our lives. Be a living testimony of Christ.

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