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Gospels and Raptures (God - Part 13): Destination

The Gospels and their Raptures (God - Part 13)


To quickly recap on my views regarding salvation in the Kingdom gospel, I believe that when saved into this gospel and one passed away, their inheritance and destination would be similar to the Old Testament saints who died in faith according to the good news God had made known in their day. Since these Kingdom believers, just like all Old Testament believers before them, placed their faith in a coming Redeemer and Messiah, they all, at death, would be asleep in Christ, and would experience resurrection at the sound of the trumpet* during the last stage of Christ's second advent. This means that they will awake in resurrection just before the Millennial Kingdom which they will inherit. 

When it comes to the gospel of God, there are other factors to consider, bearing in mind that we have a 'sprinkling' of Gentiles involved here; as Paul identified by saying, "whosoever among you feareth God". During this time, the gospel of God was building up the "little flock", (Jews who believed in Jesus as their Messiah), and these would inherit the Kingdom (Luke 12:32).

It is my personal view that the Gentiles who were caught up in this program, if proselyted, would naturally be seen as Jewish and would form part of the little flock. As for the allies (believing Gentiles), whether they would be added to the little flock or to the Body of Christ, I'll leave that to the design of God. (Personally, I believe that the 'little flock' would remain fully Jewish due to their unique inheritance in this very specific program of God). To support this notion, I am aware that Paul and his helpers made ministry rounds in the churches of God in Phenice and Samaria (Acts 15:3), as well as in Judaea (Acts 11:29-30), so those Gentile allies caught up in the gospel of God may certainly have had opportunity to hear the Gospel of Christ and get persuaded to continue into the grace of God, effectively joining them to the Body of Christ.

Acts 13:43 Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.

One must remember that this program was split in time. This unique body of believers (the 'little flock'), from Pentecost to the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD, is joined by the 144000, and the martyrs of the entire 7-year tribulation. In other words, all members of these two groups had something in common; they gave up their lives for their faith, they endured to the end, they kept the faith. So, when we delve into the scripture to learn specifics about the destination of these two groups, we find that their souls are caught up to heaven at death, unlike Kingdom saints and Old Testament saints who sleep in death until the resurrection preceding the Millennial Kingdom. Then, in heaven, they are given white robes, which could be interpreted as being given resurrection bodies. It is also my current view that some of this body of believers may have access to and even serve in the New Jerusalem, the temple of God, which is located in proximity to earth throughout the Millennial Kingdom. Others will return to the Millennial Kingdom on earth when Jesus Christ inaugurates the Kingdom and will take up positions of authority and pre-eminence on earth. The 12 apostles, for example, will serve under King David, each of the 12 ruling directly over one of the tribes of Israel, Matthew 19:28.

There is a lot of detail and a lot of personal interpretation in these details, however, the above appears to be a reasonable way to envision these events based on how scripture provides the pieces.

Part 14 will continue with 'additional' details of the gospel of God. 

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