Two Programs for Two Realms (Part 3)
There have been so many revelations in my dispensational journey, and one of the first (and biggest) that I learned of was the understanding of TWO programs in God's great plan of redemption. One will not see, let alone understand, this concept of two programs unless one recognizes the divisions in scripture, 2 Tim.2:15. Without the divisions, everything will seem to flow into each other and merge with each other and then you miss the entire revelation all together!
It all starts with Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. These are not just describing different physical realities but also refer to separate realms, one spiritual and one physical. Both these realms became corrupt; the heavens, due to the rebellion of Lucifer, Job 15:15, and then later the earth, due to the rebellion (or disobedience) of Adam, Genesis 3:6. The redemption plan of God involves the setting up of two programs, one to cleanse the heavens and fill it with the glory of Christ, and one to cleanse the earth and fill the earth with the glory of Christ, so that all of creation is restored to it's original order, Eph.1:10, Col.1:19, 1 Cor.15:27-28.
So what are these two programs? We find evidence of these throughout scripture. Let me identify them from a few scriptures,
Genesis 22:15 Then the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, 16 and said: "By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son— 17 blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.
The 'sand' represents the Jews who will inherit the earth (the earthly Kingdom, Job 19:25, Jeremiah 3:17, Matthew 6:9), through their faith in the Kingdom Gospel, Acts 2:38-39, under the Law, Acts 3:21, and the 'stars' represent the body of Christ who will inherit the heavenly places, (Philippians 3:20, Ephesians 2:6, Colossians 3:2, 2 Timothy 4:18), through their faith in the Grace Gospel, 1 Cor 15:1-4, under Grace, Romans 16:25-26.
Below is a more detailed comparison between the two programs:
"Prophecy" Program; "Israel";
destiny: The Millennial Kingdom to come to earth. |
The "Mystery" Program; "The
Church, which is His Body"; destiny: the heavens. |
1. Concerns setting up a kingdom
and distinctive national organization (Dan.2:44; Matt.6:10). |
1. Concerns Christ's 'body',
as a living organism (1 Cor.12:12, 27; Eph.4:12-16). |
2. The eternal kingdom is to be established on
earth (Jer.23:5; Matt.6:10). |
2. His body is given an eternal position
in heaven (Eph.1:3; Eph.2:5-6; Col.3:1-3). |
3. Christ is to be its "King"
(Jer.23:5; Isa.9:6-7) and Israel is to be His "bride" (Hosea
2:14-19; Isa.54:4-5). |
3. Christ is the living "Head of the
body"(Eph.1:19-23; Col.1:18), into which believers have
been immersed (1 Cor.12:13). |
4. Prophecy mainly concerns the nations
as such (Isa.2:4; Ezek.37:21-22). |
4. The Mystery concerns individuals
(Rom.10:12-13; 2 Cor.5:14-17) as body members. |
5. The kingdom was Prophesied
"since the world began" (Luke 1:68-70; Acts 3:21). |
5. The body "members" were
chosen to be "in Christ" before the
world began, but "kept SECRET since the
world began" (Rom.16:25; Eph.1:4-11; Eph.3:5-9). |
6. Israel is to be given supremacy to
reign over the nations (the Gentiles) (Isa.60:10-12; Isa.61:6; Rev.5:10, Rev.20:6). |
6. Jew and Gentile placed on the exact same
level before God (Rom.3:10, 23, Rom.10:12; Rom.11:32; Eph.2:16, 17). |
7. The Gentiles were to be blessed through Israel's
obedient instrumentality (Gen.22:17-18; Zech.8:13). |
7. The Gentiles have been blessed through Israel's
obstinacy and unbelief (Acts 13:44-46; Rom.11:10-12, Rom.11:28-32). |
8. The Gentiles were to be blessed through Israel's
salvation and RISE (Isa.60:1-3; Zech.8:22-23). |
8. The Gentiles are blessed through Israel's 'FALL'
(Acts 28:27, 28; Rom.11:11-15). |
9. Prophecy concerns blessings, both material
and spiritual, on earth (Isa.2:3-4; Isa.11:1-9; etc.). |
9. The Mystery concerns "all
spiritual blessings in the heavenlies" (Eph.1:3; Col
3:1-3). |
10. Prophecy concerns Christ's coming to the
earth (Isa.59:20; Zech.14:4). |
10. The Mystery explains Christ's present
absence from the earth (Eph.1:20-23; Col.3:1-3; Rom.16:25). |
11. In the Prophecy program salvation by grace
through faith alone is NOT contemplated. Repentance,
works* of the Law, water baptism is required FIRST. |
11. Salvation by Grace through faith
alone lies at the very heart of the Mystery
(Rom.3:21-26; Rom.4:5; Eph.2:8, 9); apart from any works requirement (Rom. 6:14, Rom.11:6, Tit.3:5). |
12. You must forgive first in
order to be forgiven (Matt.6:14) |
12. We forgive because we've already been
forgiven freely (Eph.4:32) |
13. The proclamation of the Prophetic program
was committed particularly to "the twelve" Apostles
(Matt.10:5-7; Acts 1:6-8; Acts 3:19-26). |
13. The proclamation of the Mystery
was first committed to Paul THE Apostle to the Gentiles. (Eph. 3:1-3, 8-9; Col.1:24-27, Rom.11:13). |
14. The Prophetic Program revealed through many
of God's OT servants, prophets (Acts 3:21; Luke 1:70; 2 Pet.1:21). |
14. The Mystery was revealed
initially through one man, THE Apostle Paul (Rom.11:13; Gal.1:1, Gal.1:11-12; Gal.2:2-9; Eph.3:1-5). |
15. Old testament writers frequently did NOT
understand the prophecies communicated through them (Dan.12:8-10; 1 Pet.1:10-12). |
15. Paul understood and longed
that others might understand "the fellowship of the
Mystery" revealed through him (Eph.1:15-23; Eph.3:9, Eph.3:14-21;
Col.1:9-10; Col.2:1-3). |
16. Israel's eternal destiny is to co-reign with
Christ on earth as an everlasting inheritance (Ps.105:7-11; Rev.5:10, Rev.20:6; Zech.8:23) |
16. His body's eternal destiny is to dwell and
co-reign with Him "eternal in the heavens" (1 Thes. 4:13-18; 1 Cor.15:51-54; 2 Tim.2:12, 2 Cor.5:1) |

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