The Power of God unto Salvation

Rom.1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Disregarding all the petty religious squabbles, all the theories and interpretations, all the denominational traditions and observances. Disregarding all the feeble wisdom that we think we have, all the pious egos, self-righteousness, esteem and exaltations that we paste onto our fleeting earthly lives, it really comes down to ONE thing, and one thing ALONE; the fact that we as humanity are utterly lost and utterly powerless to save ourselves, to the point that all we can do, .....literally, the only viable thing left, outside our bag of tried and useless tricks, is acknowledge that only one hope remains, —to believe in Jesus Christ and what He has done for us.
All the content in the Bible is of great value and provides a wealth of information that we can learn about God, our origins, our purpose and our destiny, but out of ALL that content, one thing counts more than any other; the message of the Gospel, our only way of salvation. In the scripture above, Paul refers to it as 'the power of God unto salvation'. Stop and consider this. Out of all the content in the Bible, the only thing that is mentioned that actually 'SAVES' us, is the Gospel; the message of the good news of Christ!
In this message is the innate power of God to save us. In this message is the seed of faith that God uses to quicken our heart to His Son. The faith that is sparked by hearing the gospel is the only quality or substance used by the Holy Spirit to save us. There is no other power, no other force, no other message, no other means but the Gospel of Christ. It is this simple message that rises far above the meaningless traditions, interpretations and observances that constantly draw our attentions away from truth.
You ask, "What is truth?" It is the message of the grace gospel which in simplicity is this; that Jesus Christ paid the sin price FOR YOU, dying in your place, taking upon Himself all your guilt and your sins, burying it [us] in His death, exchanging [or imputing] His guiltless, sinless life for yours, so that by the power of His resurrection life you can be regenerated, made a new creature, which is completely justified and made to stand perfected before God, clothed in His righteousness and made fully acceptable to God, an adopted son and utterly loved.
As Paul says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ".

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