What does it REALLY mean to be 'In Christ'?

According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, when you hear the Gospel and respond positively to the faith that wells up inside you, and you call upon God, ---in that moment you are sealed into the body of Christ (in Christ) by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.12:13) and you become a new creation (or a new creature, KJV 2 Cor.5:17). But, notice the word "if" in the verse. This makes it conditional! It is only if we are in Christ that we are a new creation! In order to understand what "a new creation" means, we need to dig into what is means to be "in Christ".
Note these two Key Concepts (*positional reality and *description)
Being "In Christ" is a positional reality. When you respond to the grace gospel and become 'saved', in that instant, you are created as a new being and are clothed in the righteousness of Christ and are perfect before God. Being "In Christ" is who you are now as you stand before God in this position.
Once you come to be "In Christ", the Word provides description of how God sees you. God sees you as a new creature, God sees you as been brought near by the blood of Christ, God sees you without condemnation. There are many scriptures that describe what you have become now that you are "in Christ".
So, when 2 Cor.5:17 mentions you are a 'new creation', it is describing qualities of your positional reality before God. A new creation is an DESCRIPTION of the result of being "in Christ".
Let's look at some scripture examples,
Colossians 2:10 ...and you are complete [description] [new creation, you cannot be improved any more, perfect, Eph.2:10] in Him [Christ] [pos.reality], who is the head of all principality and power.
Ephesians 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus [pos.reality] you who once were far off have been brought near [description] by the blood of Christ.
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation [description] to those who are in Christ Jesus [pos.reality], who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
"In Christ" does not relate to our current physical life. It is a heavenly concept, it is a POSITIONAL REALITY, it is who we are before God right now (and the Word describes what that new positional reality is in character and qualities). In later posts I will deal with our earthly condition which is different from our heavenly position. As much as God has blessed us in our heavenly position 'in Christ', He has also made provision for our earthly condition by "Christ in us". Christ in us relates to our earthly condition; being led by the Spirit (Rom.8:14, Gal.5:18), the transforming of our mind by His Word (Rom.12:2), the sanctification we undergo (I Thess.4:7, I Cor.1:30, Eph.5:26), and the good works we do according to His predestined will for us (Eph.2:10).
Something brief regarding our conditional reality
Although our salvation is positional (or in spirit) and does not change our current flesh condition, we are still sinners, who are waiting for our glorified state. Will we ever be perfect in this world? No! We are born into sin. But, through salvation, we have become a new creature within (2 Cor.5:17), and it is this new creature what will start to hunger after God, and seek out truth, and desire righteousness.
What does God expect of us while in this conditional state, waiting for our complete redemption? Where our positional salvation was ALL Christ's work, and completely final and finished, our conditional state requires work from our part as we work in collaboration with the Holy Spirit within us. What we can do is give in to the desires of the inner man (Eph.3:16) and the leading of the Spirit of Life within us, Rom.12:1-2. God's will for us is that we fill our hearts and minds with His living Word. That we follow our heart and live godly lives, 1 Tim.2:3-4. That we aim to be an example for others to follow, 1 Tim.4:12. That we train our bodies to submit to the Spirit, 1 Tim.4:7. That we remain faithful to Him as we wait in daily expectation for the return of Christ to redeem us in full, (Rom.8:23; 1 Cor.1:7; Gal.5:5; 1 Thess.1:10; 2 Thess.3:5).
So, in summary regarding being "in Christ",
- Becoming saved brings you to be "in Christ".
- It is a result of the gospel of God's grace and is 100% the work of God alone.
- When you come to be "in Christ", it is not a physical event or feeling or emotional state. It does not affect your flesh as it is entirely spiritual.
- Being "in Christ" is a spiritual state, a positional change in the heavenly realm.
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing [description] in the heavenly places in Christ [pos.reality], ...

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