Understanding and Applying our Curriculum
A blessed and prosperous 2025 to all who read this post.
On the 5th of January 2025, I uploaded the final post in a series of 16 posts concerning, “Understanding Salvation”. This series exposed salvation as a two-step process dealing with justification, explained in Romans 1 to 5 and then followed by sanctification, explained in the last half of Romans 5 through to Romans 8. Writing this series got me thinking about the full extent of the Christian curriculum which is the definitive process that leads a believer from their regeneration through reception of the grace gospel, all the way to being mature sons of God who are ensamples for all who believe and are counted worthy of the Kingdom of God. Romans is the foundational epistle that sets forth the principles of the faith, and the other epistles, Corinthians to Thessalonians, build upon this foundation through reproof, correction, and instructions in righteousness, to lead a believer into maturity in the faith and into honour, glory and profitability in the ages to come.
Since this is the start of a new year and having been inspired by the latest series about salvation, I plan to venture into a long-lasting series aimed at “understanding and applying our curriculum”. This study would be as much for my edification as yours; the posts would reflect the journey and study of the curriculum as I collect, study, and document information in the order it is presented, from basic to advanced, from babe until son, from milk until meat. It is not only the detailed doctrine that I want to learn and apply, but I also want to document the high-level overview of the curriculum. For example, Romans is the foundation to first establish a believer and then stablish base principles within them. Corinthians and Galatians deal with reproof and correction if one violates or veers off course from the principles in Romans. Ephesians starts to build upon that foundation followed by Philippians to Thessalonians which educates one unto sonship. The full curriculum begins with a work of faith, then leads one into a labour of love while teaching one how to be patient in hope for the Lord’s return, 1Th.1:3. It increasingly forms Christ within a believer by replacing the old man with a new creature, the formation of a new man, a spiritual man who grows up and is perfected in the Body of Christ, explained in Ephesians.