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Let's remember to keep learning our Spiritual Curriculum

Let's remember to keep learning our Spiritual Curriculum

The book of Romans lays the groundwork for our faith. First Corinthians addresses issues of immaturity and divisions within the church. Second Corinthians focuses on comfort and understanding as one learns these truths. In Galatians, Paul warns us not to foolishly try to achieve perfection through our own efforts and laws, which he also discusses in Romans chapters 7 and 8. He introduces the idea of the "new creature" in Galatians.

Ephesians reveals this new creature, which we refer to as the "new man." Paul encourages us to live in a way that reflects our calling and prepares us for spiritual battles. This isn't just about us; it's about the new man, Jesus Christ, who is in conflict with sin and the world. That's why we are told to put on the armor of God.

Philippians teaches us to work together for the faith of the Gospel, united in mind and spirit, while deepening our understanding of the Son of God. Colossians encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith and to grow in our walk with God, embodying the new man. These seven letters guide us in living out the work of faith, the labour of love.

The letters to the Thessalonians present an example of a strong church. First Thessalonians encourages us to be patient in hope and to grow continually. Second Thessalonians reminds us not to be easily shaken or troubled, and it emphasizes the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is the teaching of the Apostle Paul, outlining a path for us to follow. By studying these letters and obeying their teachings from the heart, we can grow from spiritual infants into mature sons of God, living by the Spirit and pleasing our Father as we bring glory to Christ.

See more here: https://thebigpicturelink.blogspot.com/2023/10/as-grace-believers-what-is-our-primary_14.html

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