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God’s Multipart Plan to Redeem HEAVEN and EARTH (Part 1)

God’s Multipart Plan to Redeem HEAVEN and EARTH (Part 1)

If you look carefully at the timeline in the image, something is missing. You might even be able to identify the missing part without taking the clue from the books of the bible indicated in the bottom row.

Did you identify the missing part? Well, if you don’t know about rightly dividing (2Tim.2:15), and you are not familiar with the mystery doctrine of Paul, you would have needed the clue using the book names in the bottom row. If this is you, then I want to encourage you to take note and learn from this series of posts, as this will improve your interpretation of scripture, and provide you a deeper and more profound understanding of the Word of truth.

Now, let me start with the very first verse in the bible. Believe it or not, but it contains a very important key to understanding scripture,

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

How many realms did God create? Two. Heaven and earth. This is important to know and remember as we work through this series. Another important point is that both heaven and earth became corrupt after creation. Lucifer was cast out of heaven because of pride, vanity, and self-righteousness, and Adam rebelled against God’s Word and sin and death entered into the visible, physical realm.

Why is all this important? Well, it is the foundation of all we’ll be building upon. The point is that the bible, from cover to cover, from Genesis to Revelation, is a master blueprint that informs us what God is going to do to fix creation. Heaven needs fixing. Earth needs fixing. The corruption must be rooted out, and righteousness, justice, holiness, and peace, needs to be reinstated in both these realms. This is the key to our high-level overview and it’s the key to understanding your bible more intimately.

Remember, I am not focused currently on details, but just the birds-eye view of the bible. At a later point in this series, we will delve into details and provide scriptural proofs of what I write.

OK. Let’s get back to the timeline in this post. The timeline you see is one that depicts the ‘Prophetic program’ in scripture. What do I mean by this? Let’s have a look at another verse in Genesis,

Gen 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. 

This verse is the first prophetic statement in the bible. The Lord God spoke to Satan in the garden of Eden and said that he would be destroyed by the seed of the woman. The end result of this prophecy, and many others throughout scripture, is that earth would be fixed; freed from corruption and curse, and subject to restitution by the plan and execution of the Creator.

Notice that prophecy pertains to the earth. —Wow! Stop right here! This is a key statement! Prophecy in the bible pertains to fixing the earth. Do you realise what you have discovered? This is HUGE! But what about the heavens? Are they not needing fixing too? Yes, and guess what program will fix that? Well, this will be discussed in another post, but I’m sure you can guess based on what is missing in the timeline. Yep…. you got it! The Mystery program. But more about that later. Now we are dealing with prophecy.

Let’s start with the first point on the slide. Approximately 93% of the bible is about the prophetic program. That’s a LOT! That means that only 7% deals with the Mystery program. Hmmm, some things are difficult to hide, but yes, that’s true. We might even talk about why prophecy takes such a huge slice of the proverbial pie.

Something else that you will learn is that this program concerns Israel, and ONLY Israel. This also indicates that Israel is God’s means to fixing the earth. Similarly, since earth is in the visible, physical realm, it is Israel that will be the recipient of all of the physical blessings and promises of God, and the physical curses too. We will delve into these in more detail on subsequent posts, but the image does provide some context regarding some listed covenant blessings and promises.

So, to wrap up, you will have noted some patterns of interest. We have two realms, heaven and earth, and two programs, one of prophecy and one of mystery. According to the timeline, it is Israel who facilitate the prophetic program and who will be used to fix earth from its current state of sin and corruption. You might be able to guess where we will be going in the next post, but no more hints and clues until then.

If you have never been exposed to this view and understanding of God’s Word, I want to encourage you to stay tuned to this series. I can guarantee you that this series will bring you to a deeper and more profound revelation of God’s Word and how to interpret it correctly. Thanks for your time.

God bless.

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