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Wow! How these copyrighted bibles have skewed the Word of God.

Wow! How these copyrighted bibles have skewed the Word of God.

I THANK GOD for the ever-faithful King JamesBible which has stood the test of time, which has been kept pure by the power and preservation of God, which has escaped the corrupt translations of the carnal mind of man, so that we can learn and understand the mind of God, His true intentions and purpose, His will, and His ways for us and for all of His creation.

The word “to” in the skewed verses below is vastly different to the word “of” in the KJV.

What is ‘the faith’ and ‘obedience of faith’

What is ‘the faith’ and ‘obedience of faith’

In the epistle of Romans, Paul lays out the foundational doctrine of the grace believer. He writes about the key elements of our faith, how to walk effectually in the faith, and what the resulting fruits of living in that faith would be. Before the dispensation of grace, Israel had to walk in obedience to the rigid letter of the Mosaic law, Exo 31:18; Exo 32:16, but now, grace believers are expected to walk in obedience to a new doctrine, not of the letter, but of the spirit, Rom 7:6, imparted into their hearts by the Word of God.


Studying Scripture by Application of Right Division (2Cor 5:16)

Studying Scripture by Application of Right Division (2Cor 5:16)

When a person takes time to study the Bible, that study will ultimately result in the need to rightly divide, (2Tim 2:15). This cannot be avoided! As one cross-references scripture, it will lead one into both the prophetic and mystery programs, according to the intent and design of God’s written Word. Right division is the only way to accurately interpret scripture by keeping these two programs separate and distinct. Let’s apply this instruction on the key verse below to understand its true context.

2Cor 5:16  Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. 17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What is wrong thinking about the law of God?":

Is it still important for a child of God to acknowledge when they sin, confess their sin, turn away from sin and ask the Father to forgive us our sin? For the Lord’s Prayer is a framework prayer that states, “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” Paul states in Romans that God’s Law is not done away with because Paul says that we must uphold the Law. The problem lies with our attitude towards the Law. Are we keeping the Law to be saved or do we still obey it because this is the only way we can show God that we love Him?


Justification is not by the law, but freely given by God through His Son

Justification is not by the law, but freely given by God through His Son

“What things soever the law saith it saith to them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God.” Rom 3:19.

What does the law declare? It declares the whole world guilty before God, and here's the conclusion, “therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.”

The law cannot justify you because the law exposes who you are. The law brings to light your condemnation and your guilt, and so, if God is to judge you according to your works by the law, He cannot justify you, He cannot declare you innocent, because the law declares you guilty.

Redeeming the time on things of eternal value

Redeeming the time on things of eternal value

Do you realize that the vast majority of what happens in time is irrelevant. If it has nothing to do with God’s Son and living by His Word, it counts very little in the utter vastness of eternity. This small vapour of a life we have in this body is NOTHING compared to the eternity we will spend in one of two places. If you believe in Jesus Christ and His cross work, then you are called to an eternal, heavenly vocation, Eph 4:1, and you should be giving serious consideration to that life and purpose in the ages to come, which is being affected by what we do today. Read 1Co 3:10-15 for some details.

In the Book of Ecclesiastes Solomon says,

Ecc 2:11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.