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Announcement: I'm moving. (Expect content delays)

 Announcement: I'm moving. (Expect content delays)

See video announcement here.

I’m moving house. Between the move and organizing for internet access in the new location, I might be offline for a few days. New video and blog content will resume the moment I am settled in and back online.

Thanks for your patience and continued support.

Two wrongs don't make a right

Two wrongs do not make a right!

I don't particularly like to disagree with comments, but it was necessary in this regard as it could lead people down two wrong roads.

The following comment is a reaction to this post:


First, forget the King James. New International Version is best now. Nobody knows how to read the Bible. If you are born again, the Holy Spirit often shows you things by giving you understanding. Also, don’t read it front to back. First read the Gospels. Next read James, Peter 1 and 2, and Acts. This will save your eternal life.


Thank you for your comment. I always appreciate subsequent communication as it generates additional learning material for readers, as well as allows us to learn from each other.

Righteousness and Life of Christ functional in us. (Dead to sin and delivered from the law)

Righteousness and Life of Christ functional in us. (Dead to sin and delivered from the law)

God put you under grace not so that Adam’s sin and death could continue to reign in you. He put you under grace so that the righteousness and life of His Son could work in you to produce fruit unto holiness for Him. This message provides a clear and understandable presentation of how grace works in us, and how to correctly understand the foundational concepts of Romans 6 and 7. 

I encourage you to listen to this video and learn some valuable insights of how grace changes us.

Righteousness and Life of Christ functional in us. (Dead to sin and delivered from the law)

Priori knowledge is a philosophical idea and has no scriptural endorsement

Priori knowledge is a philosophical idea and has no scriptural endorsement


Jeremiah 1:1–6 mentions our life before our human birth. We were made with the knowledge of right and wrong, kindness and cruelty. In old language, this was called a priori knowledge. Socrates in Plattos Dialog, Phaedo, explains our pre-birth knowledge as remembering concepts such as empathy, beauty, loyalty, honesty, courage. It's a vital discourse one must read.


I’m not sure how you obtain “knowledge of our life before birth” from Jer.1:1-6.

Jer 1:5  Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Does God still speak today?

Does God still speak today?

I post these social media interactions because they are a great source of Q&A. It also helps arm us believers with how unbelievers, or even uneducated babes in Christ, think or reason out spiritual matters.


  • Tell me this…how come God no longer speaks to man and no longer manifest himself. I know many claims God speaks or have spoken to them but realistically the person speaking is your inner thoughts. It’s always humans making claims for God not God himself. You’d think an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-present god would make his presence known to the world and not in visions and dreams of charlatans. The world is in crises all over. He is needed more than ever. Where is Christ in all of crises?


The bible tells us why. I’ll explain it in summary. It all has to do with a God’s overall plan to restore heaven and earth to its former glory under Christ.

I cannot believe all the Bible because man compiled the canon of scripture

I cannot believe all the Bible because man compiled the canon of scripture

SOCIAL MEDIA CONVERSATION concerning this post:



I say this with love and respect...