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It appears that the Apostle Peter is the first to minister to Gentiles in Acts 10?


It appears that the Apostle Peter is the first to minister to Gentiles in Acts 10, not Paul. So, how can Peter therefore be identified as an apostle “only” to the circumcision? I’m not convinced that “only” Paul was tasked with that ministry.


Thanks for this question. We need to understand this scenario in the correct dispensational context. Let me provide some guidance.

The first thing to remember is that the WHOLE book of Acts is a book that documents the transition from Kingdom to Grace, from Jews to Gentiles, and from Prophecy to Mystery. In the beginning of Acts, we are entirely immersed in the Kingdom and prophecy for the Jews. At the end of Acts, we are completely immersed in the Grace and mystery for all nations. The middle sections are how this transition evolved from the one to the other. Consider the value of the book of Acts in another way. Think of the 4-Gospels, Matthew to John. They are all about Jesus and the coming Kingdom. Acts is the book that guides the reader systematically from these four Kingdom orientated gospels to Paul’s doctrine in Romans. We have a smooth transition due to Acts. But now, remove Acts and give a reader the 4-Gospels, followed immediately by Romans. Suddenly you have shifted from the Kingdom and the life of Jesus for the Jews to a Grace program for the Gentiles. How did one get from the one to the other? There appears to be a big gap of missing info. Acts has a very unique role in the bible to help a person transition into Paul’s ministry and doctrine.

My understanding of the gift of tongues based on what the bible says about it.

My understanding of the gift of tongues based on what the bible says about it.

Tongues is a very contentious issue in the modern church today. Some reject it, others defend it, and most simply do not understand this gift and its purpose. I am certainly not a scholar in this regard, but having studied the scriptural references of this topic, and with my understanding of dispensational truth, considering the transitional changes that occur between dispensations, the following is my unbiased and plain interpretation of the scriptural references, letting scripture dictate my understanding, instead of trying to twist it to fit a current denominational narrative.

How do you rightly divide the gospel?

How do you rightly divide the gospel?


How do you resolve these two contradictory scriptures?

  • “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” - James 2:26
  • “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. - Eph 2:8-9

How do you decide that any verse is in the expired kingdom gospel or the grace gospel?

Two biblical doctrines given at two separate times for two different purposes.

Two biblical doctrines given at two separate times for two different purposes.

When one studies the bible, cross referencing scripture and comparing verses between Paul’s writings and the rest of the bible, the evidence is overwhelming that the risen Lord Jesus Christ revealed to Paul a completely different doctrine from that which was written in the prophets. In this short post, I simply want to highlight one glaring piece of evidence, out of a myriad of others, to bring your attention to the fact that we need to know and understand these different doctrines and interpret the bible in accordance with this understanding.

The first two verses below inform of knowledge given since the creation of the world. The latter three speak of knowledge that was kept secret (or hidden) since the creation of the world. There can be no objection to the timing within these statements. Prophecy was given since the world began, but Paul’s mystery doctrine was kept secret at that time, and only written about and taught when it was revealed to Paul.

Knowledge that will stablish you in the faith

Knowledge that will stablish you in the faith

Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you

  1. according to my gospel,
  2. and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery [doctrine], which was kept secret since the world began,  26  But now is made manifest,
  3. and by the scriptures of the prophets,

…according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:

The above passage is one of my favourites in all of Paul’s writings. It is essentially a very short summary of the book of Romans, but more importantly, it provides a condensed list of instructions that provide a grace believer with stability in their faith and walk. Let me briefly analyse this passage.

The heavenly kingdom inheritance of Paul and all grace believers

The heavenly kingdom inheritance of Paul and all grace believers

There is no doubt that Paul was Jewish and a committed and fervent Pharisee in the nation of Israel (Phil.3:5-7), yet just before he is martyred, he writes to Timothy and says the following,

2Tim.4:18  And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 

So, what is significant about this statement? Well, notice the location of the kingdom Paul confesses he belongs to. The heavenly kingdom. Is this strange? Yes, but also no.