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The Journey: Part 3 - Imputation and Propitiation, The Work of God's Love

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 3 - Imputation and Propitiation, The Work of God's Love

The gospel of grace that was communicated to you, and that you chose to put your trust in, provides you with all you need to know about who Jesus Christ is and what He freely did for you (1 Cor.15:1-4). Furthermore, it settles with surety and finality, that through Jesus' death on the cross, and the blood He shed for you, you have complete forgiveness of sins, and by His subsequent burial, and glorious resurrection from the dead, you are absolutely and utterly justified before God and sealed in Christ for that glorious day of redemption, (Rom.4:25).

The Journey: Part 2 - A Process of Edification

The Journey: Part 2 - A Process of Edification

There's a methodical process of edification that occurs in Paul's epistles, taking you from the wrath of God in the book of Romans, to the faithful Body of Christ in Thessalonians who are patiently waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ to come. From Romans to Thessalonians, the whole outlook of life and faith has changed.

Rom.1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

2 Thess.3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 4 And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you. 5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

The Journey: Part 1 - Salvation

Start here at the Introduction: The Journey Begins

The Journey: Part 1 - Salvation

What is this journey I'm referring to? Simply put, it is the period of time BETWEEN salvation and glorification. The journey begins when you get saved, and it ends on that great day when Christ presents the church, His body, glorious, holy, and without blemish, before the Father, (Eph.5:26).

Rom.8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

Saved for 40 years, but my Christian journey has only now begun!

Saved for 40 years, but my Christian journey has only now begun!

I've wondered around in blindness for 40 years, not as a lost soul in this world, but as a saved Christian in the denominational church 'system', —or should I put it, 'institution'. I'm tempted to say, "what a HUGE waste of time!", but within me, I sense instead, a gratitude for those experiences that kept me in touch with basic Christian practice, with fellowship, and that sheltered me from the world outside. Much more so, I am so grateful to the Lord that His love found me; that the gospel of His cross has produced in me the faith necessary to trust in Christ alone for my eternal salvation, having quickened my spirit, infusing it with life and an eternal hope.

The Righteous are not Immune to Vanity

The Righteous are not Immune to Vanity

If your view of life is focused only on this current world and your time in it, then it is a natural thing to build a life, gain wealth, make memories, and aim for a comfortable retirement. However, this is not the view that the Bible promotes. In the context of a Biblical view, an eternal view, a view that places value on a human life after death, the Bible speaks of life as vanity, which literally means "vapor" or "breath", and is also translated as "meaningless", "emptiness", or "futility". Both Psalms and Ecclesiastes raise this topic throughout their pages,

Life, death, and the timing and meaning of the cross of Christ

Life, death, and the timing and meaning of the cross of Christ


What will happen to the souls of those who died before Jesus Christ? Did they go to the nothingness or hell if they didn’t know Jesus’ name. They died before Him. So where are they now?

If the time of Jesus death have no meaning, then what meaning has it? Why was His death needed? If He did not die, would we go to hell?

I don’t get it. If they will be saved even before Jesus’ death, then His death is pointless. If it has any meaning and value, then why would those who died before Him be damned? Isn’t that proof that we aren’t equal before God at all?


The doctrine of death and the afterlife is wide and there are many different theories. Some believe in “soul sleep” which means while the body is 6-feet under at death, they are aware of nothing. No consciousness, no thinking or experiences, but just waiting in ‘sleep’ for their resurrection in their order. The Bible has many references that can suggest this.